
  • “群”像




    腓3:18因為有許多人行事,是基督十字架的仇敵。我屢次告訴你們,現在又流淚地告訴你們:19他們的結局就是沉淪,他們的 神就是自己的肚腹,他們以自己的羞辱為榮耀,專以地上的事為念。


    來6:4論到那些已經蒙了光照、嘗過天恩的滋味、又於聖靈有分、5並嘗過 神善道的滋味、覺悟來世權能的人,5並嘗過 神善道的滋味、覺悟來世權能的人,6若是離棄道理,就不能叫他們從新懊悔了;因為他們把 神的兒子重釘十字架,明明地羞辱他。
















































































    《揭露张伯笠长期对教会编造种种虚谎的个人见证 》(作者:小草)









  • 唐崇榮牧師遺訓


    按照三歲小看到老的人生經驗來預判,唐崇榮博士余剩的日子裡拿不出新鮮東西,只能炒剩飯;而且他自己說是來告別的,完全可以把他這次講的內容當遺言來看。唐崇榮博士牧師是歷代被神棄絕,活著時候就不再給悔改機會的人中的佼佼者,是“活活地下陰間”的活樣本,被神用來警誡當代信徒的反面教材。(民數記16:33 活著時候就被神提前審判,活活地墜入陰間的可拉一黨人,並不是什麼大奸大惡,而是摩西和眾長老按照外邦祭司的建議,從民中選出來的“有才能的、敬畏神、誠實無妄、恨不義之財的人”,在信仰和生活中都有好見證,是眾民中的“秀者”,絕對的精英、領袖、道德榜樣、信仰典範,就像今天的華人歸正改革造反宗領袖大腕們的影響力名譽一樣,就是這一批被人眼看為“有才能”的人,不久後就頂撞摩西,背叛神,活著時候被神審判“活活地墜入陰間”。)唐崇榮博士牧師傳教“歸正”一輩子,勸人悔改,竟然連自己也沒正過來,你能想像出他所講所傳能把別人歸正到什麼地方嗎?所以,唐崇榮博士也是“傳‘福音’給別人,自己反被棄絕了”的活例證。







    唐崇榮牧師呼籲中國人要救中國人,要傳福音給中國人,甚至想要死在中國。這種民族主義觀念非常正能量符合政治方向。但是大家都知道現實中這不過一個笑話。“中國人不騙中國人”,難道你懂英語,說個ABC試試看誰能聽懂。中國人專騙中國人,是我們這一族這一國人的魔咒,即使飄洋到美帝西歐東瀛南洋,有中國人的地方就會有專騙中國人的中國人。你想想看,孫海英夫婦退休去美帝國開教會作男長老女長老,是為了騙美國佬嗎,他們撇出來的“God love you”老外聽得懂嗎,他們去美國開教會當然是為了專騙肉身在美帝還會說漢語的人。




































    《John MacArthur约翰麦克阿瑟牧师的破口》






















  • 末班船票






















  • 倪柝聲偷樑換柱的基督論


    人們對倪柝聲感興趣的,主要是他那新鮮奇特的三元論,但是倪柝聲本人則更強調的教導是基督論。倪柝聲曾多次聲稱:基督其實就是神的中心。倪柝聲視基督為將創造、救贖以及屬靈人的事工彙聚一點的中心;祂其實是神的中心;所有基督以外的真理都是附屬的。就其身份而言,耶穌是神的兒子。在神的計畫中,神已經膏立祂為祂的基督。神創造萬物,包括人,只有一個目的,就是要彰顯基督的榮耀。基督是神真理的中心,倪氏從基督在神的計畫、神的創造、永世裡、救恩裡、基督的生活工作裡、基督徒的工作信息裡等六方面具有首要性和中心性來強調。倪柝聲氏認為:基督是一切屬靈的事物。例如倪柝聲說:“神的目的就是基督,同時神的方法也是基督;神是藉著基督而達到基督。”“最少我們需要有第二次的得救。我們第一次的得救,就是看見我們所需要的是基督,不是行為。我們看見得救是因著基督,不是因著行為。 現在我們也照樣要有一次那樣厲害的,徹底的看見,我們所需要的,不是東西,乃是基督。”等等,似乎倪柝聲真的很崇拜基督、高舉基督、信服信從基督、認識基督。但是倪柝聲高調地把基督捧上天之後,就開始拿基督開刀,用聖靈(那靈)偷偷換掉得到一切榮耀的基督,使所有的便宜都被後來居上的“聖靈”所佔有。例如:

     1、“誰是聖靈?聖靈是主耶穌的第二個自己;子是父的第二個自己;照樣,聖靈是子的第二個自己,不過是換了一個樣子而已。” ——(見《初信造就》的“讀聖經”。另參《基督徒基本認識與操練》上冊,第47-49頁。)

     2、“曾有一次禰就是父,現今的禰就是聖靈,祂是禰的另一個態度,禰的第二情形。” ——(倪編《詩歌(1052首增訂本)》第456首,第5節。)

    3、“但禰今日已在靈裡,禰已成為保惠師” ——(倪編《詩歌(1052首增訂本)》第450首,第4節。)

    4、“從前禰是我救贖主,現今禰是我保惠師,……我今因禰所成聖靈,住在心裡不斷啟示……” ——(倪編《詩歌(1052)首增訂本》第475首,第2,3節。)

    與新正統異端偷樑換柱把聖經啟示的和基督徒真實經歷的三一神,換成類似諾斯底異端那個虛無縹緲無位格沒來歷人們無法認識的“至高神”一樣,倪柝聲巧妙地先強調基督是一切的中心,然後用“聖靈”(那靈)偷換掉基督的地位和實體,於是讓澆灌他的那個靈恩派邪靈成功地竊取了基督的榮耀,並與父神同等(是同一位神)。他認為,當子來時,父就沒有了;當子成為靈時,子也不在了;認靈就是認子,靈來就是子來;子神是父神的具體化身;靈神又是子神的實際,將三一神應用實施於信入子神裡面的人;我們被生為亞當,然而獲得了基督的生命之後,我們就是基督。倪氏的手法是三一神整個道成肉身成了基督,然後基督死而復活進化升級成了聖靈,實際要強調的目的剛好是倒過來的:那靈,曾經是基督,最早是父神,如今那靈是三一神的最高級最實際最唯一最永恆的存在形態。所以“聖靈”也可以稱為實際神、全能神,配得三一神一切的榮耀。最後, 人因為得到那靈賜給的基督的生命,就成了基督,成了神。



























  • Know Charismatics

    Know Charismatics, Who Are Charismatics

    ——The Charismatics is the wild dance of evil spirits

    At present, the vast majority of pastors, leaders, and believers adopt an attitude of welcoming, supporting, and applauding the madness of the Charismatics, while those who are more conservative are at best suspicious, watching, and keeping a respectful distance. There are few in-depth investigations into the nature and harm of the charismatics sect, carefully distinguishing and experimenting, and exposing the evil and harm of the charismatics sect. Although the church is so cowardly and corrupt, God’s will will be fulfilled in the end. Lord Jehovah sits as king and tramples the enemy under his feet. We will eventually see all kinds of ugliness and failures of the charismatic sect, and the church and pastors that merges and prostitutes with the charismatics are judged or chastened by God, ashamed to lose their glory and reward.

    Fifty years ago, it would have been understandable to say that one did not have a clear understanding of the nature of the Three-Self Golden Calf Cult and was mixed up in it. Thirty years ago, one could sympathize with those who did not have a clear understanding of the nature of the Charismatics Sect, who did not dare to make any rash comments on the various wild performances of the evil spirits of the Charismatics Sect, and who were foolish enough to wishfully classify the Charismatics Sect into orthodox and moderate sects and evil and extreme sects. Nowadays, we still do not have a clear understanding of the Three-Self and the Charismatics, who have done all kinds of bad things, who are hysterical, who are crazy and unrestrained, and who have accumulated many evil fruits. If we hang out with them and hot fight with them, or between two opinions you are fine I am good, then we must be a stupid Christian or a cottage Christian who has been criticized by Jesus as “ye that work iniquity” or something like that. (Matthew 7:23)

    We cannot adopt a laissez-faire attitude towards the charismatics sect because the harm caused to the church and the believers by the fierce attack of the evil spirit of the charismatics sect is so great that it is unimaginable and shocking. This evil spirit not only has power and authority, but is also good at disguise and deception. If a believer does not really have the Holy Spirit indwelling and keeping him, he will seldom fail to be attacked by this evil spirit, and even “they shall deceive the very elect”. Wherever there are churches, charismatics are expanding at an alarming rate. As Rev. C.S. Lin warned: If you do not embrace the charismatic movement, you will not make a single friend in the church. As John Sherrill(薛瑞爾) said in his book, They Speak with Tongue (《他們用方言說話》H. Revell Co., 1964) – “The walls of the denomination are falling down. ” The Charismatic movement spread to the Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Lutheran denominations. Of course, various cults, such as Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Darak Bang(馬可樓), Young Disciples of Jesus(耶青), and other heresies have also opened their arms to Charismatics, and regarded Charismatics as a lifesaver for the church’s prosperity and development. Nowadays, it is really difficult to find a church that has not been tainted by Charismatics than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

    Charismatics are not just some grotesque, chaotic and crazy ways of worship, not just a hot and crazy pursuit mentality and false tongues, not just amazing miracles of healing and ability to knock down, not just random It is not a matter of the theological standpoint of Bible interpretation, but a problem of obscenity, filth, falsehood, deceit, cruelty, and powerful evil spirits. The hardcore fans of the charismatics sects are always boasting about their profound and intimate peace with that spirit. All believers who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit will immediately feel a strong spiritual battle when they first meet with the Charismatics. This kind of real experience shows that the essence of the charismatics sect lies in the fact that it is completely different from the real believers, and it is completely a problem of evil spirits that the enemy is jealous of when they meet each other.

    The charismatics spirit is almost the culmination of all evil spirits, combining the characteristics and abilities of all known evil spirits. This evil spirit is not only leading the customs of this world (such as the New Age Movement), the leader of the power in the air, and the evil spirit operating in the hearts of the sons of disobedience today, but also the evil spirit of tempting the Gentiles to commit adultery, lust, drunkenness, and desolation, feasting, group drinking, and hateful idolatry according to their own will.  Is the ghost king who harms and dominates people and deceives people, the ancient serpent Satan who tempted the ancestors to sin, and the great dragon and the old devil who will deceive the people and the chosen people in the last days. This evil spirit is full of wisdom, omnipotent, bright and bright, powerful, slick, versatile, and lovable, but extremely harmful, and can make all believers who mix with charismatics quickly go to fornication, lying, greed, cruelty, ghosts, idol worship, self-deception, almost without exception. It is not an exaggeration to say that the evil spirits of the Charismatics are the greatest enemy of the Christian church, the number one enemy. The evil spirits of the charismatics sect bring more than just the “gift” of speaking in tongues to people, they only speak nonsense and will no longer speak human words, and the “anointing” that can make people fall to the ground and convulse after laying hands on them loses their human appearance and only remains a ghost state. Even more, they can bring seven more evil ghosts. The charismatics evil spirits not only teach you to lie, but also make you fornicate, and even make you worship idols and practice witchcraft, and make you greedy for money and vain…. A little bit of compromise with the charismatics evil spirits will inevitably lead to a complete collapse of believers in their faith and moral life.

    Although the result of the battle between true believers and charismatics evil spirits is mostly a gradual compromise, gradual numbness, and gradual adaptation, but after all, the holy and evil spirits will not be mixed together. Those true believers cannot find peace in the chaos, madness, and filth of the charismatics sect After experiencing God’s strict discipline and enlightenment, and guidance, they will eventually break with the Charismatics and draw a line with that filthy evil spirit. All “Christians” who welcome,  support, and pursuit charismatics as if they met their own mothers are either foolish nominal believers, or false believers who are full of filth and never confess their sins and never repent. Many leaders standing on the stage have become charismatics advocates and leading parties, which can only prove that they are not faithful servants of God, but ugly skeletons covered by holy priestly robes. Against these leaders, Satan’s strategy is not to confront the accusation as he did with Joshua, the high priest in filthy clothes (Zechariah 3), but praised their love, patience, and tolerance of sin and heresy, taking the overall situation into account, and not judging, and praised their spiritual life; Praise the power of their hands and the anointing are so great, they praise how prosperous the big church they built, how long their nonsense prayers are, and how loud their hoarse announcements are. They also like this kind of self-deception, thinking that they are God The gold medal winners, in fact, their rewards come entirely from Satan. They lost the opportunity to repent and wake up, because God has clearly abandoned them, and they will be allowed to bear the sin of fooling around with evil spirits at the time of judgment, and go to the same place with those evil spirits as they wish. Leaders and believers whose heart is in merit rather than in holiness will inevitably be captured by charismatics evil spirits. (Reference: “Where did Pastor Billy Graham go? -2–In order to get Billy Graham into the kingdom of heaven, Pastor Chen Ge played tricks”

    https://beloved211841126.wordpress.com/2021/04/16/%e9%99%88%e9%b8%bd%e7%89%a7%e5%b8%88%e7%9a%84%e8%af%a1%e8%af%88/  )

    At present, although God’s faithful servants and watchmen are quite critical of the Charismatics, and a few of them have risen up to expose the evil nature and fatal danger of the Charismatics, they are still generally treating the head when the headaches, when the feet hurt to treat the feet (treat the symptoms but not the disease). They do not differentiate the Charismatics from the evil nature of the Charismatics, and they are dividing the Charismatics into the extremist Charismatics and the moderate Charismatics in accordance with the attitude of safety and conservatism. And they suggest that we should resist and reject the extremist Charismatics which are of the heretical nature, and we should be tolerant and accepting of the promotion of the moderate Charismatics. On the one hand, we have to cheer for the hot phenomenon brought by the charismatics to the church, but on the other hand, we have to avoid offending God’s anointed “apostles and prophets” by making vague judgments and resisting the Holy Spirit. This kind of thinking to gain some benefits from the evil spirits is extremely foolish, and it is this passive attitude of not actively discerning, checking, and resisting, but returning Satan’s smiles with smiles, that has led to the rapid and unstoppable flood of charismatic heresies that have brought unprecedented destruction to the church.

    It is the great ignorance of today’s church to divide the charismatic sects into extremists and moderate sects, and it is definitely a trick of Satan. This division has no standard and groundless, and it is completely judged by one’s own preferences and subjectivity. For example, Jiang Xiuqin(江秀琴) and Lin Dazhong(林大中) are the same thing, they worship the same evil spirits, play the same medium ghost and psychic spells, and bear the same pernicious fruits, but people regard Jiang Xiuqin as an extremist, and Lin Dazhong is hilarious to be a faithful and humble servant of God. Regardless of whether they pretend to be bright and benevolent Satan or demons with fierce faces, they are all the same in essence. They all come to plunder and kill believers and destroy the church of God. No matter how much sweetness they give you, it is to pull you into the lake of fire and play with them forever. Therefore, true Christians must rise up bravely, resolutely resist and reject Charismatics, and leave no room for Charismatics.

    1. Who are the Charismatics?

    This generation of Christians is probably the least promising generation. Modern printing, radio, television, computers, the Internet, and satellite communications give them the best conditions ever to study the Bible. But they don’t like to read boring Bibles, don’t like dull sermons, don’t like to pray quietly, and don’t like to live according to the rigid truths of God. They do not know and are unwilling to know the truth of the Savior Jesus Christ, so they become spiritual dwarfs, only to be bullied and deceived by others.

    Fifty years ago, there was a famous controversy. Bishop Ding Guangxun(丁光訓主教,三自主席) quoted a verse from the Bible: “God has accepted him. Who are you to judge other people’s servants?” This immediately shocked the trend of labeling others as “unbelievers”, except for Wang Mingdao(王明道). Except for a few diehards, most people quickly silenced or followed the trend. Times have changed now, and the empty promises of the utopian heaven that the unbelievers’ social gospel gave to people have burst like soap bubbles. However, the Charismatics have developed rapidly in the past few decades, robbing souls, killing sheep, and determined to take the first place in front of Satan. What is before the children of God today is a fierce battle with the Charismatics. Regrettably the same, as soon as Christians today are accused by charismatics of “fear of the work of the Holy Spirit, lack of the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and resist the moving of the Holy Spirit”, they immediately become shrinking turtles, like deflated rubber balls, and feel that they have done something wrong, so dare not say anything. Even the former watchmen of the church have mostly become dumb dogs and pugs, either they can’t afford but can afford to hide, keeping out of trouble, or they simply follow the buttocks of the charismatics masters of apostles and prophets and hope to get some leftovers, to make a living, work as a minion for a tiger, and serve as a leading party or internal support for the charismatics sect.

    The charismatic evil spirit is the father of the liar, and the confused lamb and false believers like this kind of sweet lie very much, and does not think there is anything wrong with the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So they wishfully divided the charismatics into extreme charismatics and moderate charismatics, thinking that although the extreme charismatics are not very good, the sweetness brought by the moderate charismatics can still be considered and accepted. This is an absolutely foolish thought that has fallen right into Satan’s tricks. Just imagine, what is the essential difference between Satan, who pretends to be bright and benevolent, and a vicious devil.

    【”Can the Gentle Charismatics Accept It (Wu Zhuguang 吳主光)”

    http://wellsofgrace.com/resources/hot/linen.htm  】

    For a hundred years, the fruits of the Charismatics are before us. This is the work of a spirit of confusion, lying, covetousness, sorcery, idolatry, witchcraft, fornication, divination, persecution, dominion, division, vanity, and pride. This is by no means the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the problem of the Charismatics is the problem of the spirit. The spirit promoted by the Charismatics is the evil spirit, that is, the old serpent, also known as Satan (meaning the bright one, resister, accuser, tempter, liar). This ancient evil spirit has been against God and His people from beginning to end. It has put on different vests and changed its name in different ages, and now it is even crazier in the last days. It even used the name of the Holy Spirit. Corruption to the point of utter depravity. What the Charismatics do is witchcraft and sorcery, which the holy Jehovah God hates, and they counterfeit the name of God. According to the Law of Moses, they should be stoned to death, but now they are riding on the heads of Christians to do their best, which unexpectedly can make Christians feel leisurely and happy. It’s ridiculous.

    Nowadays, the Charismatic sect has obviously become a sweet spot. All sects and denominations want to curry favor with the apostles, prophets, mages and witches of the Charismatic sect, hoping to draw them into their banner and add luster to their sect. The fate of the Chinese lead by Chinese Congress on World Evangelization(華福) “back to Jerusalem, the 10/40 Window” is the leftovers of Peter Wegener, the global chief false apostle of the Charismatics. He has already started the “theology of power” of “transforming the seven hills”. Chinese Congress on World Evangelization(華福)and Gospel for China Conference (中國福音大會)still holding that “Chinese destiny” stinky rice ball as a baby. Charismatics also like to call themselves evangelicals and reformed theology, while Benny Hinn and others claim to be Catholics. Therefore, the Charismatics have no clear sectarian boundaries. We can borrow the words of Brother Wang Mingdao(王明道) in that controversy, saying: “The Charismatics is not a hat, but refers to a certain kind of people.” They are false Christians, even counterfeit apostles and prophets, they are pagans who mix in the church to be an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer in the name of Jesus. They have never repented, they think that they are just victims, it is the fault of their family and circumstances, and therefore do not intend to repent. They consider themselves sanctified when they compel their hearts to forgive those who have hurt them. They do not admit their sins, and blame all kinds of evil spirits and bad interpersonal relationships for their sins (Soul Tie 魂結). They are not afraid of God. On the contrary, they have various spells and prayers to tame God, let God obediently do things for them, and bless them. They don’t like the truth, but only the greatest authority in the church (apostles and prophets). They don’t like to live a holy life, but expect to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and amaze others. Instead of repenting, they go to false prophets and false apostles to back them up. They refused to obey God’s orders, but hoped to obtain God-like abilities through some shortcuts. They accuse others of resisting the Holy Spirit, and want to drive out the spirit in others, but forbid others to test their spirit. They don’t love the poor and weak Lord Jesus, but only love themselves who are full of anointing power. They don’t want to deny themselves, but to love themselves. They don’t want to obey God, but want to become God themselves. They think that once they are saved, they will be saved forever, so they can indulge in adultery and greedy dreams come true, whatever they want, God will give them…

    Obviously, not all the people who attended the Charismatics conference are Charismatics. Even some true believers who have been deeply deceived by Charismatics can be disciplined by God and come to their senses. On the contrary, those fake believers who have never repented sooner or later, believers will be taken captive by charismatics sects.

    2. Charismatics worship evil spirits.

    The spirits of the Charismatics are evil spirits, wild ghosts that they summoned, waited for, greeted, and released. They believed that as long as they shouted loudly and spoke hard enough, they could summon the Holy Spirit. Complete disbelief that the Holy Spirit works according to God’s holy sovereignty and will, and no one can be His counselor. All true believers who have repented and regenerated are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of truth sent by the Lord Jesus Christ is with true believers and will never be separated (2 Corinthians 13:5, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?). Christians absolutely do not need to recruit some unknown spirits from outside to enrich themselves. (Titus 3:6 which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour). Those who do not have the Holy Spirit in them, but are summoned by pagan ghost summoning, seance, or prayer imitating Christianity must be wild ghosts. The Holy Spirit cannot be summoned by man by magic, but is sent by God the Father and the Lord Jesus on the initiative when a man who believes in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, as the only Savior, repents, turns away from sin and is reborn. This is the sovereign grace of God, and it cannot be controlled by people’s effective prayers, superb spells, and hard work. It is impossible for God to be threatened by the spells of charismatic masters to send down the Holy Spirit. Instead, evil spirits parade around like roaring lions, coming uninvited. Of course, even evil spirits will not be manipulated by the prayer spells of charismatic masters, but the evil spirits actively cooperate with them to perform double reeds to deceive the people watching the performance. Charismatic false apostles and prophets think that they have the ability to call back and forth to the forces of the spirit world, which is also the result of self-deception and being deceived by evil spirits.

    God gave us the command to discern all spirits, and gave us the method to discern all spirits, which is to recognize the tree by its fruit. The fruits of charismatic evil spirits for a hundred years are confusion, lying, covetousness, witchcraft, idolatry, witchcraft, fornication, divination, persecution, domination, deceit, rebellion, contention, vanity, pride, boasting… . . . and these fruits have nothing to do with the truth and the Holy Spirit. Although these evil spirits use Jesus as the name and the Holy Spirit to flaunt themselves, it is easy to distinguish them as counterfeit goods. There are many people named Jesus in the world, and there are many evil spirits who claim to be named Jesus in the spiritual world, but there is only one Christ Jesus who is called Lord and Savior. Therefore, we do not look at whether the person or spirit is really called Jesus, but Distinguish whether they are the true Christ who was incarnated, crucified, died, resurrected, and bestowed the Holy Spirit, the Son of God. And not just whether people call Jesus Lord with their mouths, but whether they follow the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. Col 2:6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him. )

    Charismatics heretics claim to believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, but their behavior is completely contrary to the Bible. (Pastor  Samuel Ling(林慈信牧師) believes that anyone who claims to believe in the inerrancy of the Bible can be considered a brother in Christ, so he believes that charismatics are brothers in Christ. That’s a very pedantic idea.[ Pastor Samuel Ling is an excellent theology teacher, not a Bible teacher. He teaches theology knowledge, not the truth of the Bible. His understanding and position on charismatic, Catholic and Three-Self churches are completely wrong. He can only be regarded as a believer who is more diligent and pure in pursuit, and cannot be regarded as the watchman and gatekeeper of the church.] The Bible says that “the heart is deceitful above all things.” What they say does not prove what they believe in their hearts. Only their consistent behavior can reveal their true faith.)

    The charismatics interpret the Bible indiscriminately, not out of ignorance, but out of deliberate intention to distort the Bible to cover their adultery. They are able to interpret the Bible indiscriminately, in order to make their greed, chaos, adultery, lying, and idolatry all conform to the “Bible”, All are the will and command of “God” for them. For example, Bread of Life Christian Church in Taipei Zhou Shenzhu(臺北靈糧堂周神助牧師) interpreted 1 Corinthians 14:39-40 “Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently and in order.” meaning is all well-behaved churches must speak in tongues to support their “baptism of Holy Spirit theology” (That is, the state of being possessed by evil spirits and talking nonsense). The father of Prosperity Theology, Kenneth E. Hagin(甘堅信), interpreted what Jesus said, “A hundred times more in this world, and eternal life in the next life” to mean that God not only wants to bless Christians in the next life, but also makes them gain a hundred times their material wealth in this life. Thus developed the “Great Wealth Transfer” ( That is, the method of transporting the five ghosts and the great shifting of the universe), “Wealth Theology” and “Prosperity Theology”. On the other hand, Cho Yongji(趙鏞基) proclaimed “Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.” meaning declared that “Jesus was poor in the world to give us riches and redeem us from the curse. If we are not blessed, it means that Jesus was poor in vain.” Such an absurd interpretation of the Bible has actually made those false Christians who are obsessed with ghosts and blind to money believe it as a classic and believe it. According to Deuteronomy 28:14 “And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath”, Peter Wegener(彼得·魏格納), the contemporary global chief false apostle of the charismatics, invented that Christians should occupy the seven secular mountains and be the king of the seven great mountains of Babylon, “Theology of Reigning Power” (Transforming the Seven Mountains 掌權神學;轉化七大山頭). Professor Kang Laichang(康來昌教授), who is very popular with Bread of Life Christian Church in Taipei, proved that crows match phoenixes through rigorous scriptures. Said Christians who believe in the Lord should fall in love with unbelievers and marry. Christians should devote themselves to the Lord through marriage missions, it‘s not only feasible but also pleasing to God. This is the trick that Balaam offered to Balak.

    Some people say, is there no little work of the Holy Spirit in the charismatics at all? If the spirit that fills a certain charismatics master is the Holy Spirit, aren’t we guilty of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, opposing God’s anointed servant, and committing an unpardonable sin! This is a common intimidation method used by charismatics sects, but people also swallowed their saliva and eat this set. Such conjectures are groundless, and even if it is the Holy Spirit, didn’t God say, “Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.” All these spirits also include the Holy Spirit. , the Holy Spirit is not specialization, and people are not allowed to experiment, on the contrary, Christians obey God’s command to test the Holy Spirit will be able to please God. Test the Holy Spirit according to the truth of the Bible, not only will you not blaspheme the Holy Spirit, but you will also be praised by God for obeying God’s commands. If a Christian does not discern the work of the spirit, he is scorning God’s warnings and rejecting God’s commands. This is not true humility, but is actually ignorance and rebellion. “Beware of false prophets” also gives us the same responsibility and right. Judging whether the “apostles and prophets” came from God is not spiritual arrogance, but obedience to God’s command. Not judging is spiritual ignorance and violates God’s command. The “Christian” who is bluffed by the charismatics leader, andwas silent like a cool-cicada, he may have not repented and believed in the Lord, and the Lord Jesus Christ has not given him the power and responsibility to judge and test the spirits. It may also be cowardly and ignorant Christians. They dare not offend the heretical witches and mages of the Charismatics sect, but they dare to reject the orders given to them by the invisible God. They are not afraid to offend God, but dare to say that the work of evil spirits is the work of the Holy Spirit, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Facing the evil and filth of the Charismatics, a Christian who truly knows the righteous, holy and supreme God should firmly realize that if there is even a little bit of the work of the Holy Spirit in the Charismatics, Jehovah God is not the holy and righteous He claims to be, for a sinless God.

    If a few people have been healed and the ghosts have been cast out, should they accept the charismatics sect? First of all, those so-called miracles of healing and casting out demons come from the propaganda of the Charismatics themselves, and they are the performances colluded by the shills they found. They didn’t dare to show their skills in a modern formal hospital. You can refer to “Benny Hinn(辛班尼) can’t even produce a doctor’s certificate”, “Todd Bentley(泰班利) can’t even produce a doctor’s certificate”. Why do you have to believe a lie? Even if a few people were healed, so what? Ezekiel 13:17-19 “Likewise, thou son of man, set thy face against the daughters of thy people, which prophesy out of their own heart; and prophesy thou against them, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies?” These witches and mages seem to be doing good deeds and saving lives. God clearly said that they were doing evil. They save people for self-interest, they are lying, they are enemies of God, and they are helping evildoers. Charismatics perform healing and release techniques and perform miracles to seduce people to worship evil spirits with them, which is the same evil thing as these witches.

    Furthermore, if the Lord Jesus Christ healed you, why would you exalt that abominable healing spell? Why worship “Apostles and Prophets” who cast spells? If it was the devil who healed you, but you gave thanks and praise to Jesus, do you think it is easy to take advantage of it? Will it not be recovered tenfold? Will it not bring seven more evil spirits? Why take the risk? Please refer to “Benny Hinn’s Anointing Comes from the Demon”.


    If the disease is cured, and the healing magic is worshiped and pursued as a god, then many hospitals around the world will become gods. Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of truth save people from sin, not just save people from sickness. On the contrary, evil spirits don’t care about your terrible ending in sin. Instead, they encourage you to enjoy the pleasures of sin, and even “heal” your flesh, making it easier for you to indulge in pleasure. As for giving you some economic, worldly, fame, honor and emotional benefits, it is not God’s promise, but Satan’s promise: “If you will fall down and worship me, I will give you all the kingdoms and their glory.” God The words are: “Whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of being my disciple. Whoever gains his life will lose it; whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” “Hands on the plow Whoever looks backward is not fit for the kingdom of God.” The kind of sophistry that comforts one’s foolish conscience by wanting to get some benefits from the charismatics, such as making the church hot, and the gospel has finally spread, etc., such foolish thinking is similar to Eve’s “the fruit of that tree is good for food, is also pleasing to the eyes, and is pleasing to the eyes, and it can make men wise.” The thoughts are exactly the same, and they must have fallen into Satan’s tricks. Do you have to look for living things among the dead? Brothers, it’s time to completely abandon the little sweetness that the evil spirits give you, and turn back to invest in God’s abundant grace. If you are still entangled with that evil spirit and want to gain something from it, you are afraid that you will be rejected by the Eternal God.

    Charismatics come from evil spirits, charismatics are the work of evil spirits, and charismatics worship and serve devils and evil spirits. If, as Dr. Stephen Tong(唐崇榮牧師博士) thinks, “Charismatics pays attention to the work of the Holy Spirit; Charismatics are greatly used by God; Charismatics grasps the focus of redemption; you must appreciate the advantages of Charismatics…” Then if you are not ignorant or confused If so, you are false believers who serve evil spirits.

    ‘Dr. Stephen Tong(唐崇榮牧師博士) casts out ghosts at the age of 17 and sees him being used by evil spirits’—- Confidence built on Ghost words


    3. The practice methods of the Charismatics are all witchcraft and sorcery.

    The favorite practice methods of charismatic sects, in addition to large-scale conferences with bluff, the most common ones are “Waiting for God”, “Seeking God”, “Listening to God”, “Meeting God”, “Experience God”, “Knocking Down by the Holy Spirit” “24 hours of praise and worship”, “Harp and Bowl Worship”, “prayer with flames”, “healing and release”, “pour out the anointing”, “release the anointing”, “delivering gifts”… etc. are all witchcraft and sorcery. The “knockdown, gold powder, flower fragrance, dialect, emptying, meditation, madness, physical discomfort” pursued by the Charismatics are all the effects of pagan witchcraft, which can often be found in pagan psychic witchcraft. The effect you see (such as Qigong Xianggong(香功氣功), worshiping Buddha sprinkling golden rain, speaking ghost dialect, etc.). Pastor Wu Zhuguang(吳主光牧師) said that the Charismatics like to collect all kinds of “folk remedies” of paganism, heresy, secularism, and Neo-Confucianism, “sprinkle” a little bit of scriptures for embellishment, and package them in Christian ways and methods to say they belong to Christianity. , Confused many brothers and sisters who really needed to be healed and released by God’s truth. Large-scale conferences are the most efficient and economical way for Charismatics to spread evil spirits through the principle of sympathetic contact with witchcraft. Individual or collective practice of secret arts is meditation, meditation, chanting mantras, heart purification, breathing adjustment, singing, spiritualism, and hypnosis are exactly the same as praying.

    Charismatics Hypnosis, Psychicism and Ghosting Magic Revealed (《靈恩派催眠通靈交鬼邪術揭秘》)

    Since they worship evil spirits, the practice methods of the Charismatics sects are psychic and sorcery learned from paganism, and they are roughly packaged in the form of Christianity. Sometimes they don’t even bother to package them. The evil spirits of Enpai are arrogant and arrogant, and they don’t treat Christians as onions at all. Randy Clark(柯蘭迪) and Bill Johnson(比爾•強生) introduced Hindu evil spirits into the church, Rick Joyner(雷克.喬納) introduced African witchcraft into the church, and Kenneth E. Hagin(甘堅信) and David Yonggi Cho(趙鏞基) introduced the idea of “How bold person, and how much production” into the church. Peter Wagner(彼得·魏格納)  introduced Yiguandao’s magic tricks, Taoist necromancer calling up the dead, and Qigong magic to the church… The result of the practice of the Charismatics sect is to summon wild ghosts and evil spirits. Charismatics tend to become more depraved the more they practice, and the more they practice, the more evil and corrupt they become, and the more poisoned they become.

    4. Charismatics are pagans and heresies.

    Since charismatics worship evil spirits and practice pagan witchcraft and sorcery, they are standard pagans, but they pretend to be Christians and use Christian ceremonies and names, so it is said that charismatics are Heresy is OK too. A true charismatic is a Gentile who has never confessed and repented, and a heathen who never intends to repent. They have never repented because they think that they are just victims of a family curse, that it is the fault of their family of origin and their upbringing, that it is the “wounds” and the “inner child” left behind by others who hurt them, and that they have nothing to blame for it. And they think that they are sanctified when they force their hearts to forgive those who hurt them. They do not admit their sins, and push their sins to all kinds of evil spirits and bad interpersonal relationships (soul ties 魂結). They do not love the truth, but only the greatest authority in the church (the apostles and prophets). They don’t like to live a holy life, but they want to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, to amaze others, and let themselves do what they want. They are unwilling to repent, but go to false prophets and false apostles to endorse them. They refuse to obey God’s commands, but hope to obtain God-like power through shortcuts. They accuse others of resisting the Holy Spirit, and want to drive out the spirit in others, but forbid others to test their spirits. They do not love the shabby and cowardly Lord Jesus, but only love the evil spirit who can make them full of anointing power and themselves; they do not want to deny themselves, but love themselves and be themselves, to become a god themselves…

    Since the Charismatics do not admit their sins and do not intend to confess and repent, there is almost no possibility of salvation. They regard evil spirits as the Holy Spirit and the real Holy Spirit as evil spirits. This sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven in this world and forever. They are determined to benefit from the charismatic evil spirits, because they do not accept the love of the truth so that they can be saved. Therefore, God gave them a deceitful heart, causing them to believe a lie and fall into God’s rejection and wrath. Those ignorant Christians who excuse me not to go to hell and who will go to hell to stay in the charismatics church, hoping to correct the mistakes of the charismatics sect, awaken the charismatics sect, and draw sticks from the fire, except for being polluted and assimilated by the charismatics sect, colluding with it, or It is not a person to fall inside and out. It has offended people completely, but it has not recovered the result of a charismatics sect. There cannot be a better result. So, to stay in charismatics churches under any pretext is either a self-deluded false believer or an ignorant muddled Christian. Those pastors who encourage the charismatics sect to save people are even more ignorant or completely reactionary. The purpose of exposing the errors of the Charismatics should not be to restore the Charismatics, but to warn weak new believers who are in danger of being deceived by the Charismatics. Fame people are burdened by fame, and they have no time to come out to testify against charismatics sects as heretics, and they are not willing to offend charismatics brothers who share the same spirit as them. We had to let us lambs do it for us. The spirit of the Charismatics is an evil spirit, not the same spirit as ours. The Jesus of the Charismatics is the code name of some false gods of unknown origin. What they want is not the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ, but the anointing power of the Spirit they summoned, whether there is the Lord Jesus on the cross has no effect on them. They called out “Jesus” very affectionately in order to deceive us and make us mistakenly think that they were with us (Acts 16:17-18). Their Jesus is neither Lord nor Christ. Their god is also a docile and obedient silly old man who doesn’t distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, and is dealt with by their spirits. It’s not our supreme, holy, majestic and fearsome Jehovah, the only true God who hates evil. So they are not the same God, not the same Lord, not the same spirit as us, they are heretics, heretics.

    Obviously, not all charismatics churches are charismatics, there are also charismatics who pretend to be charismatics or are temporarily blinded by charismatics; there are many real charismatics who are mixed in less charismatic churches. How to define Charismatics? To put it simply: Charismatics is a hodgepodge of heresy and sorcery that controls and robs people’s minds and souls, packaged with the secular positive thinking success techniques of the New Age Movement and psychology, and traditional ghosting and psychic witchcraft packaged with Christian etiquette and vocabulary.


    (1). The thinking of the New Age Movement believes that all things are gods, and gods are all things. They try (or teach people) to use their own thoughts to drive the spiritual world to control the material world. In fact, they believe that people themselves are God, so people should regard themselves as God. The thoughts of the New Age Movement are the theoretical basis of the Charismatics, and the basic truths and guiding ideologies of the Charismatics all come from the thoughts of the New Age Movement.

    “New Age Movement Demons Still Rampant in Church Platforms”



    (2). Psychology is a “pseudoscience”. Science endeavors to observe facts and to explain the observed facts in terms of some hypothesis or derived theory. The facts analyzed should be repeatable and verifiable. Psychology is not like that. Many definitions and explanations in psychology are very subjective. Modern psychology uses a lot of scales, materials, and tools to package them scientifically, but they are all theories derived from sinners as samples, and the theoretical framework of psychology is completely derived from the deceitful psychology of sinners. Therefore, it is still impossible to conform to the truth of the Bible, and it is impossible to find a way out and provide answers for a life of suffering and sin. In psychology there is no way out, only dead end. (Note: Both traditional science and pseudoscience come from the “premise” of human autonomy. The samples of psychological research are sinners and dogs, and there is no righteousness in them; the standard of psychological theory also comes from the deceitful psychology of sinners. There is no goodness and justice in it, only interests and utilitarianism. Therefore, no matter how fancy and mysterious the performance is, there is no way out in psychology, only dead end.) Calling the findings of psychology (or philosophy) “general revelation” is an important mistake. All culture: philosophy, psychology, art, science, religion, etc., are (sinful) human twisted responses to God’s general revelation. Culture is not general revelation! Not even footprints (shadows)! [Yuan Zhiming(遠志明) fans are good at advocating that “Lao Tzu Te Ching” is the universal revelation of God when advocating the heresy “Lao Tzu and God”, which is also the same mistake. The Tao Te Ching is nothing more than a sinner’s error-filled response and resistance to God’s general revelation, not general revelation at all. ] Psychology is the method by which charismatics operate. The psychological suggestion of meditation hypnosis is the most common method of charismatics witchcraft.

    “Psychology and the Bible”


    “The Blasphemy of Christianity by Carl Jung”


    (3). The Prosperity Theology is the wisdom of the tree of the good and evil and the delusion of evil spirits. It is a human being who evaluates God’s work from the world’s standards and the devil’s perspective. Therefore, from the perspective of charismatics, God’s work usually fails. According to the standard of prosperity theology, the Lord Jesus is the poor ghost who should be driven away by them, and the heavenly Father Jehovah, who cannot turn stones into bread to satisfy the hunger, is a useless paper tiger. Prosperity theology is the crowbar used by the Charismatics to tear down the foundational pillar of truth.

    “Prosperity Theology Is Satan’s Gospel”

    (4). Gnosticism:


    Gnosticism is a heresy that appeared in the church in the time of the apostle John in order to tear down the foundation of Christian belief and replace the Trinity God that Christians believe in with other gods. Gnostics exalt a vaguely unknown “God Most High” and from Him the “Son of Man” (the so-called Christ). But on the other hand, it completely severed all the specific context and connection between this “Christ” and the New and Old Testaments, including the inferior Creator God (The defaced Jehovah—the root of all evil), the world (reality and history), and context and connection of the law promulgated by Jehovah, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, the apostles and the church, etc., and even completely opposed them to the so-called “Christ”. One of their obvious attempts is to cut off any specific connection between the real Son of Man-Jesus Christ and the New and Old Testaments, and completely nullify the biblical revelation. In this way, there is no standard for objectively judging what “God” is and who “Christ” is, and those people can be allowed to talk nonsense, and finally “substitute one thing for another by stealth” to induce people to their “Christ” of unknown origin, and then to be under the control of the “Supreme God” who also has an unknown origin. The Gnostics’ “anti-matter” and “anti-sexuality” are all pretexts. What they want to oppose is actually Jehovah God and His Son—the Lord Jesus Christ. (Do not acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ came in a physical body. 1 John 4:1-3). Gnosticism, however, inappropriately expanded the meaning of the Lord Jesus’ “healing diseases and expelling demons” into a “confrontation between gods and demons”. As a result, on the one hand, it “elevated” Satan the devil to the position of an “evil god” who can call wind and rain and is almost equal to God, so all day long in the “War of Gods and Demons”. On the another hand, the images of God and the devil are confused, and they cleverly attribute “evil” to the deeds of an “evil god”, that is, the only God who created heaven and earth that can dominate the material world (including all natural disasters). The purpose is to make the Trinity God into the “evil god”, which is completely incorporated into the pattern of the “dualism of good and evil” of the Gnostics, and people are tempted to pray to a “supreme god” of unknown origin to “unify” against the evil god who brought disasters: Yahweh who has been uglified, the inferior god who created the world, completely turning friend from foe. The spiritual nature of Charismatics is Gnosticism.

    5. The ghostly ideas of charismatics evil spirits.

    Satan’s ultimate goal is to steal the status and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be equal to the Heavenly Father, and to steal people’s worship of the only true God Jehovah and the only Savior Jesus Christ. If Satan wants to gain people’s worship, of course, he must give people a little bit of sweetness as a bait. The biggest bait is not only “the nations and their glory”, but the even bigger bait is “You (do not listen to God’s words) will be like God” or “If you (worship me) you will be the son of God”. The routine of the charismatics evil spirits is nothing more than this: they are promised to worship that spirit well, practice hard, and they will be able to control the wind and rain, and the popular and spicy ones can have whatever they want, and even God and the angels and devils in the spiritual world can be summoned. The charismatics people really believed in the deceit of this spirit because of their greed and evil thoughts. The evil spirits of the charismatics sect named themself “Jesus” in order to make people mistakenly believe that he did all the work of the Lord Jesus, and should deserve all the status, glory, and worship belong the Lord Jesus. Charismatics exalt the “Holy Spirit” and worship the “Holy Spirit”, but they are deceived by this evil spirit with ulterior motives. Of course, evil spirits are not only liars, but also play tricks. For example, he will first make people exalt the Lord Jesus, and then replace the Lord Jesus himself, so that he can get all the glory and status of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the trick used by the evil spirits who deceived Watchman Nee(倪柝聲). Watchman Nee cleverly first emphasized that Christ is the center of everything and all spiritual reality, and then used the “Holy Spirit” (that Spirit) to secretly replace the position and reality of Christ, so that the charismatics evil spirit that poured out on him successfully stole the glory of Christ and was equal to God the Father (the same God). Watchman Nee believed that when the Son came, the Father ceased to exist; when the Son became the Spirit, the Son ceased to exist; to recognize the Spirit is to recognize the Son, and the coming of the Spirit is the coming of the Son; God the Son is the embodiment of God the Father; God the Spirit is the reality of God the Son, and applies the Triune God to those who believe in God the Son; we are born as Adam, but after gaining the life of Christ, we are Christ. Such Watchman Nee’s technique appears to be on the surface, the Triune God (God the Father) became Christ as a whole, and then Christ died and resurrected and evolved into the “Holy Spirit.” The actual purpose to be emphasized is just the opposite: the Spirit used to be Christ, and at first it was God the Father. Now the Spirit is the highest, most practical, complete, eternal, and unique form of existence of the Triune God. God the Father and Christ have both disappeared in the long river of history; People who have received the life of Christ given by the Spirit have become Christ and God. From this, we can see that Watchman Nee was a complete heresy and a complete worshiper of the charismatics spirit.

    “Beware of the Charismatics Evil Spirit Watered Out by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee’s Four-In-One Heresy”


    “Watchman Nee’s perpetrate a fraud Christology”


    Charismatics evil spirits will also steal the work of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. For example, after returning from hell, Philip Mantofa (腓力·曼都法) received the great anointing power from the “Jesus” who brought him to hell (the evil purpose of all these testimonies of going to heaven and going to hell is to prove that they met Jesus in hell, thereby proving that Jesus lived in hell). He said that God the Father raised the Lord Jesus from the dead as the Holy Spirit raised the Lord Jesus from the dead (Pastor Philip Mantofa omitted the word “who” in Romans 8:11 “if the spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you”), and thus attributed the achievements and glory to the Holy Spirit, and seduced people to worship the “Holy Spirit” whom he cast spells and summoned to come. Furthermore, the Charismatics generally believe that all the miracles performed by the Lord Jesus on earth depended on the power of the Holy Spirit, otherwise they would have accomplished nothing, thus exalting the Holy Spirit and belittling the Lord Jesus Christ. Some charismatics churches emphasize the power of the Holy Spirit in the church, avoiding the sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ over the church, and tempting people to give praise and worship to the “Holy Spirit” of their church. The evil spirit of the prosperity theology of the Charismatics promises that people can “like God” with faith and say what they want, so as to induce people to give worship and praise to the evil spirit that allows them to do whatever they want.

    6. The work goal of the charismatics evil spirits is to build the spiritual Tower of Babel.

    Charismatics developed simultaneously with the Universal Unity Movement. Universal unity comes from the Antichrist. What God requires of the Christian Church is to be sanctified in this wicked world. “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?” And the church has been united in the truth and body of the Lord Jesus Christ since its birth, and “there is only one body.” All Christians who have “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God” must also “(feel with) one spirit, (unite with) one body, (share) one hope”, what they have to do is to “do their best to keep the one heart given by the Holy Spirit (keep what has already been given, not to make things up by themselves): be humble, gentle, and patient in all things, tolerate each other with love, and bond with each other with peace.” All actions that accuse the church of being not united and try to use artificial means to make the church unite must come from Satan the Devil.

    If you want people who believe in anything to unite together, you must have a spirit that everyone can accept, and only when you share this spirit can you unite together. God firmly forbids His people to unite with those who do not believe in the same God. Catholicism worships a lot of idols. The new orthodox theology is completely unbelievers. The Local Churches (The Shouters召會,呼喊派) believe in the shouting evil spirits (charismatics evil spirits). The God that Cho Yongji(趙鏞基) believes in is a financial advisor. The spirit that Chen Zhonghui(陳仲輝) worships is an acrobatic trick. The spirit who worshiped Zhou Shenzhu(周神助) is the godfather of gangsters who can eat both red and white. The Jesus that Kou Shaoen(寇紹恩) believes in is a social butterfly who See people talk about people see ghosts talk nonsense. The Jesus that Jiang Xiuqin(江秀琴) believes in is a lover hiding in a dark room. The Jesus that Liang Qiongyue(梁瓊月) believes in is a witch doctor who sells things in the world. The good friend Jesus of Kang Xi(康希) is a buddy of gangsters. How can these gods and spirits be one with the holy and righteous God that Christians believe in? Charismatics evil spirit, the Gnostic heretical spirit, is not restricted by the revelation of the Bible, and does not need to be tested by the truth of the Bible. It can appear in any form, and can be everything that anyone who does not believe in the Trinity God or the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ believes in, the image of the illusory god. Allowing them to get what they need, each worshiping their own gods to live in peace, as the driving force behind the Great Unity Movement, it is perfect. Charismatics and Universal Unity have the same source, the same purpose, and hit it off, so whether it is the World Council of Churches, Lausanne, Chinese Congress on World Evangelization(華福), the Catholic Great Unity Movement, or The Local Churches’ (Home of Christ Church 召會;基督之家) the  one family of the world, The oneness conferences in Bread of Life Church(靈糧堂) are all of the same nature, they are all the fruits of the charismatic evil spirits, whether they admit it or not, the spirits behind them must be the evil spirits of the charismatic sect, and the methods they play must be Charismatic tricks.

    “All Visions of Chinese Congress on World Evangelization Come From Charismatics Evil Spirits”


    7. The Correct Attitude Toward Charismatics

    Charismatics have spread throughout Chinese churches and world churches like a plague. Over the past 100 years, their influence has risen rapidly, and they have surpassed the two poisons of the Three-Self golden calf and modernist unbelievers set, and the most deadly poison to the church. These three bowls of poison have their own unique skills in destroying the Church of God. The Three-Self set uses Caesar’s kingship on the ground, the modernist unbelievers set uses people’s rational knowledge, freedom, and autonomy, and the Charismatics use the evil spirits in power in the air—this is the church’s mortal enemy.

    Charismatics worship and praise evil spirits. They practice witchcraft and psychics in churches, but instead deceive themselves that they are serving God. Therefore, people who promote Charismatics and follow Charismatics are no repentance, no rebirth, false believers, and heresies who don’t know the living God. They have never been saved, even if they have read the Bible, studied theology, and become pastors, they are false believers. They do not confess their sins, and blame all kinds of unclean ghosts and evil spirits for their sins. They do not know God, do not obey Jesus Christ, do not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (they have to call and wait for a wandering ghost from outside to pretend to be the Holy Spirit), they refuse to live a holy life according to God’s commandments, but want to be their own masters, asking God to act according to their wishes. Now they are willing to be Satan’s pawns, and evil spirits have gained power over them. It is even more impossible for them to escape from the influence of evil spirits. And God gave them a wrong heart, let them believe in lies, and allowed them to be corrupted. (2 Thessalonians 2:11) Therefore, unless God shows special and individual mercy, it will be difficult for them to repent and be saved, and they will only become worse and worse as time goes by. (2 Timothy 3:13; 2:17 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. …. And their word will eat as doth a canker.)

    The spirit of the Charismatics is clearly an evil spirit. This evil spirit pretends to be the name of Jesus and the identity of the Holy Spirit. However, the Charismatics regard this evil spirit as the Holy Spirit, and said the Bible to warn that believers must resist the devil, test the spirits, and recognize false prophets is the work of the devil. To slander Christians with such insights is to quench the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and to be “apostles and prophets” who resist God and God’s anointing. This is the most serious blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which cannot be forgiven in this world or in the world to come.

    God allows the wheat and the tares to grow together in the church, but when the time comes, God will cleanse His church by Himself. What method will God use? For those ignorant women who ”to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.“ God raised up Mr. Yuan Zhiming(遠志明) to separate them. For those who said because the environment is not as free as the United States,  so don’t believe or unbeliever, and refuse to follow the Lord Jesus, God raised up the reformed sect Pastor Tang CHongrong and Wang Yi(唐崇榮和王怡), lead them all day in vain debates, exhaustion, and paranoid daydreams, self-deception and masturbation. For false believers who are greedy, promiscuous, idolatrous, lying, vain, disliking the truth, and refusing to live a holy life according to God’s words, and heretics who mix in the church, it’s best to test them with the charismatics theology of healing, release, success and wealth. We need to see whether believers’ minds are on God’s words or on the fiery madness of charismatic sects to discern the state of their spiritual life, so that we can separate false brothers and false teachers.

    Therefore, for the Charismatics, first of all, we must be vigilant, distinguish and separate, get out of the Charismatics, and don’t be polluted by them. And don’t try to enter the charismatics sect to win people. If you want to go deep into the tiger’s den to change and transform the charismatics sect, it will not only be futile, but even make you an enemy of God. In these last days, God allows the prostitution and corruption of charismatics sects to rise up and proliferate in order to distinguish the wheat from the tares from the fake.

    8. We must bravely and resolutely expose the errors and evils of the Charismatics

    With regard to the mistakes of the Charismatics, should we expose them, make their mistakes public, and teach people how to resist and discern? It is very contradictory. Because on the one hand, this is what the Lord Jesus told us a long time ago. He not only said it himself, but also the apostles continued to tell us that this happened long ago in God’s destiny. It is these people who do not love the truth. God gave them a wrong heart and made them believe in lies in order to prepare the way for the great sinner. Now is the end of the world, and now there will be many people who will prepare the way for the great sinner. Charismatics is the power that prepares the way for the great sinner in the church. The preparation of the way for the great sinner can be divided into inside and outside the church. In the world, there are other group forces, such as the New Age Movement and the Gay Movement. So if we continue to expose their problems, will it hinder God’s will? Because our greatest wish in this life is for the Lord Jesus to come soon, which is the same as the last sentence in the Apocalypse of old John, “Lord, I wish You to come!” So this is our conflict again. then what should we do? Therefore, we often have some conflicts in our hearts, that is, should we write, should we speak, should we expose the errors of the Charismatics?

    At the end of Deuteronomy, Moses said, “I know that after I die, you will be completely corrupted, and you will deviate from the way I commanded you, do what is evil in the sight of the Lord, provoke him to anger with the works of your hands, and disasters will come to you in the future.” He knew that the Israelites would not listen to his repeatedly and earnestly inculcations, but he faithfully recorded God’s commandments and exhorted the people earnestly. The apostle John got the scroll of God’s judgment and salvation in the Book of Revelation. Even though he knew that eating the scroll would make his stomach ache, because it meant that he clearly saw that countless people, including his relatives and compatriots, would be judged by God and go to hell, damned to perdition, He still had to obey the command to eat the scroll and faithfully preach the message of God’s judgment. We also clearly know that if we believe in the Lord Jesus, we must admit that thousands of our ancestors are in Hades waiting to be judged in the lake of fire (Psalm 9:17). However, can we discount God’s words a little bit, modify it a bit, say that we are justified by love, and allow Confucius and Lei Feng who do not believe in Jesus to enter the kingdom of heaven? We preach the word of God not to please people, but to obey God.

    Although it is difficult for the core and hardcore fans of the Charismatics to repent, there are still many unbelievers who are in danger of being captured by the Charismatics and losing the opportunity to know the Savior Jesus Christ. There are also many Christians who have already believed in the Lord but are still young in life, they cannot discern the mistakes of the Charismatics, who do not know how to be vigilant against the temptations of evil spirits, they are in danger of being devoured at any time. God’s will is “No matter what, always save some people.” God answered the prophet Elijah, saying, I leave for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal. In this generation, the Lord Jesus foretold that many people will stumble and be deceived, but no matter how crooked, perverted and dark the generation is, God will leave seven thousand people for Himself. Those who do not bow the knee to Baal will not bow the knee to the God of Wealth and idols. They are under the lure of the Charismatics, a threat that is very real today. They also need to know the deceptions and lies of the charismatics and the wiles of the devil. True charismatics do not repent. What we speak, preach, and write are for the seven thousand whom God has left for His name. Let the just be righteous still, the unrighteous still be unrighteous, the holy be holy still, and the filthy be filthy still. The 7,000 people chosen by God and left behind have the inspiration of the Holy Spirit within them regarding the issue of the Charismatics, and the Holy Spirit within them will warn them to resist and stay away from the Charismatics, but they lack knowledge of the Charismatics in terms of knowledge. They feel that the Charismatics are wrong, but they don’t know what’s wrong, how deep and far-reaching they are. They want to reject the Charismatics’ laying on of hands, but they feel that they can’t push back. For the sake of these 7,000 people, we have the responsibility to expose the errors we know about the Charismatics, to wake them up, and to help them discern.

    Please refer to

    Know Charismatics——The Charismatics is the wild dance of evil spirits

    Charismatics Fabricated Lies and Deceitful Tricks

    The Absurd Mistakes of “The World Needs A Father”

    The Seven Apostles of the Local Churches and Their Endings

    Watchman Nee’s contribution to the Church in China

    Chinese Version


























































  • 邪魔仍橫行於教會講臺





    新紀元運動中交鬼之舉,叫做通靈(Channeling),靈媒叫做通靈人士(Channeler),所以接觸到的鬼靈,最通常叫做「Spirit guide」(導靈、指導精靈、靈性導師、高靈等等)。當邪靈附在靈媒身上,它們用靈媒的口講話。其中那些有名氣的鬼靈,當它們發言的時候,旁邊的人把它錄音搜集成書,例如《賽斯書信》《與神對話》等就是這樣得到的鬼話。《邪魔登講臺》就是研究邪靈藉著新紀元運動中的靈媒所發表的言論。





    無可否認,《邪魔登講臺》中所研究的鬼靈中,今天在中國人社會裡,賽斯是最活躍的一個。在香港和臺灣有好幾個組織:賽斯文化、賽斯學派心靈輔導、賽斯花園、賽斯身心靈學苑、賽斯電視臺、新時代賽斯教育基金會等等。可見賽斯(Seth)有很多跟隨者,影響不少,所以基督徒應該知道賽斯是誰?教導了什麼?賽斯的書被翻譯為中文的也有很多,例:《賽史斯書》《賽斯秘件-靈媒超感應力的真相》《靈界的訊息》《靈魂永生》《個人實相的本質(上下冊)》《意識的探險》《心靈政治》《未知的實相》(卷一、二) 《心靈的本質》《夢、進化與價值完成》《個人與群體事件的本質》《夢與意識投射》《神奇之道》《健康之道-最後的一堂賽斯課》。請見另文描述:「賽斯是誰?答案:一隻鬼」。

    香港Seth Club介紹說:“賽斯是個‘能量人格元素’。他自一九六三年開始,經由女詩人珍•羅伯茲之口傳述了近二十年的訊息,由珍的先生羅伯•柏茲筆錄。”另一處介紹說:“他已經完成了輪回,活在無型界中。他沒有肉身,卻能隨意念幻化出想要的環境。透過珍•羅伯茲(Jane Roberts)的傳述,賽斯帶給我們許多的訊息和資料。這些資料,被珍的先生紀錄下來……”在臺灣大力推動賽斯文化的許添盛醫師也表示:“新時代大師賽斯……是我的靈性導師……”基督徒由此應當可以認識到這就是交鬼巫婆在邪靈附體後的鬼方言被交鬼巫師翻譯記錄出來的連篇鬼話。這個所謂的精神科專家,心理學專家許醫生就是地地道道的神漢。



    在今天新紀元運動(New Age Movement,或作新時代)裡,有很多高級知識份子,他們會把傳統交鬼、靈媒、鬼靈起一個新鮮的名字來推廣,例如:交鬼之舉叫做通靈,靈媒叫做通靈人士(Channeler),所交上的鬼靈通常叫做Spirit Guide(譯:靈性導師、心靈導師、指導靈、導靈、高靈等)。從上邊的語錄已經可以看見了。




    賽斯文化中各組織給人第一個印象就是將“心靈控制物質”(Mind Over Matter)的概念應用在健康和成功上。這種“心想事成”“美夢成真”的謊言正是賽斯文化中的流行思想!其本質與傳統的“乾坤大挪移”“五鬼搬運法”沒有區別,只是名字新鮮而已。這是標準的行巫術。



    聖經是否同意我們的心靈有力量,足以操縱物質世界?以至我們能“心想事成”?誠然,人的思想對人有某程度的影響。因為人會因自己的信念或願望而採取行動,但是沒有人可以保證成功。迦勒底人說:“我必永為主母……我必不至寡居、也不遭喪子之事。”(賽四十七7-8)。可是,神說:“那知喪子、寡居、這兩件事,在一日轉眼之間必臨到你……禍患要臨到你身……毀滅,也必忽然臨到……”(賽四十七9,11)。歷史告訴我們,迦勒底人的思想和信念沒有決定現實。的確,“惟有耶和華的籌算, 能立定。”(箴十九21)“萬軍之耶和華起誓,說:我怎樣思想,必照樣成就;我怎樣定意,必照樣成立。”(賽十四24)。新紀元的“心想事成”“你的思想決定你的現實”“你是你的主人翁”等口號,可能很正面,很積極,故很受歡迎。可是,它背後卻是不合聖經的思想和做法,其背後的目的是慫恿你“如神”(創3:5):




    賽斯又使用較哲學性的字眼描述:“從實相的一端你叫道∶‘神在何處?’而另一端傳來回答∶‘我即我。’從實相的另一端,神叫道∶‘我是誰?’而你在內找到他自己。因為你是源頭的一部份,而同樣每樣顯示出的東西都是。因為神在,你在(Because God is, you are.)。因為你在,神在。”這句話不過是說:“我就是神”,是泛神論的引伸,也是新紀元的主要信念。

























    沃許(Donald Neale Walsch)所交上的“上帝”(God),在流行榜中可算居第二位。它自稱聖經中的上帝,但是它憎恨基督教,反對聖經的教導。為什麼這些書可稱通靈作品呢?根據沃許,他是在一段艱苦歲月裡,收到這些資訊的。他本想給上帝寫一封洩憤的信,上帝居然以“自動書寫”(automatic writing)方式回答他。“我的筆自動移動起來,”所以沃許說,他“實際上是聽寫,不是寫作。”於是《與神對話》(Conversations with God)就問世了,而且排名於最暢銷書榜。




    2。冥想——沃許的上帝也曾經教導一個和冥想非常相似的技術:首先,靜止下來;叫外邊的世界和內面的世界都安靜下來,你就可以得到洞察,所以它敦促人們“進入裡面”(Go within),說:“如果你不進到裡面,你什麼都沒有。”(Go within 是冥想者的常用術語。)



    通靈者羅德迦(Pat Rodegast)和史曇頓(Judith Stanton)所交上的伊曼紐(Emmanuel)大概可算第三位。據羅自稱,一次當她練習超覺靜坐(Transcendental Meditation,簡稱TM),她被裡面的一些聲音分散了注意力,接著,她看見一個金黃色的光體出現,它就是伊曼紐。以後,只要羅德迦準備好,它就常向羅德迦出現。《宇宙逍遙遊》(Emmanuel’s Book)是羅德迦和她的導靈合作的成果。同樣地,伊曼紐也告訴我們,它是一個靈體,它要為人類提供指導。







    此外靈媒羅曼(Sanaya Roman)所交上的靈體歐林(Orin),在美國和中國,都很流行。羅曼藉著通靈技術,和導靈歐林來往了二十多年,出版了六本書。根據她的解釋,“當她進入加強的精神狀態‘恍惚狀態’,一個叫做歐林的智慧來源,把《喜悅之道》(Living with Joy)這書送給她。”導靈歐林也自認是一個“光體”,它說:“我是一個靈體,我透過思想的振動,向這位叫做羅曼的靈魂傳遞資訊。”



    1。泛神——歐林表示,和它進入“一”之中,走進“神 / 女神 / 一所有”的心靈裡。你將會經歷到無限的愛、豐富、任何你想要的事物。[21]



    (五)舒曼(Helen Schucman)的“耶穌”

    舒曼聽到一個自稱是“耶穌”的聲音,向她口述三冊的《奇跡課程》(A Course in Miracles)。她解釋說,她無需進入神志昏迷狀態,只是感到自己裡面有個聲音,好像錄音帶,當這個聲音臨到時,她是完全清醒地把它速記下來。







    李迦盧(Lee Carroll)所交上的克里昂(Kryon)似乎是在近年才在中國人社會流行起來。《克里昂》(Kryon)一書,在封面頁上自我介紹為:“從通靈活動得來的,對基本問題的答案。”李迦盧在書的前言中,告訴他的讀者:“克里昂和我們通訊,”所以他不斷地經歷到“眼晴看不見的現實。”克里昂也告訴我們,它是透過通靈所接觸的個體。







    《邪魔登講臺》所研究的其他邪魔,還有一些在中國人圈子中,沒有這麼流行的,但仍然可以看見它們的蹤影。例如:老牌通靈人黎女士(J. Z. Knight)和她的導靈藍慕沙(Ramtha),在臺灣和大陸都有促進它的組織。顧奇(Maurice Cooke)的導靈,赫萊瑞恩(Hilarion)有好幾本翻譯了中文的電子書,如《實相的本質》《臨界點》《綠野仙蹤》等等。[43]賀芬尼(LaUna Huffines)為齋瓦(Jaiwa)通靈所寫成的《光之橋》也有中文版。堅悟(Benjamin Crème)所交上的彌勒佛(Maitreya)和韋亞新(Kevin Ryerson)所交上的幾個鬼靈,雖然沒有中文書,但有幾個中文網頁講論它們。羅曹(Doreen Virtue)專門接觸一類自稱天使的導靈,我們可以買到她的占卜用的天使卡。






























































  • Charismatics Fabricated Lies and Deceitful Tricks

    Charismatics Fabricated Lies and Deceitful Tricks


    Ezekiel 13:22 Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life:

    2 Peter 2:1-3 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

    Titus 1:10-11 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake.

    Jeremiah 23:13-14 And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err. I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.

    What the charismatics sect worships are evil spirits pretending to be the Holy Spirit, they worship Satan the devil, and they do the familiar spirit and wizards by mediums with ghosts of the dead. The devil is the father of liars, so the charismatics, sons of the devil, must also be “experienced and skilled liars” (prosecutor said of pastor Kong Hee 檢察官論康希牧師), all the teachings of the charismatics are lies from the devil, and the purpose of course is to help the devil Satan takes souls captive to the lake of fire, and at the same time makes profit on these sons of perdition. What is more evil than other heresies and pagan beliefs is that charismatics take advantage of the sick, poor, weak, humble, defeated, helpless and desperate. This is absolutely evil, despicable, deceitful, and wicked, so judging from the results, the charismatics must come from evil spirits, from the devil, and the charismatics who worship the evil spirits of the charismatics must be the sons of perdition, the sons of destruction. People’s poverty, disease, frustration, and despair are somehow related to their worship of the wrong god:

    Jeremiah 3:24  For shame hath devoured the labour of our fathers from our youth; their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters.

    Matthew 23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

    These people are entangled and bound by the hardships of the world, the burdens of life, and sinful lives, and are deceived by false religious systems and various traditional idolatry of demons and devils, unable to find the true God and living on earth without hope.

    Psalm 16:4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god.

    However, the Charismatics used all kinds of lies to make these people believe that what they believed in before was the true God, but they needed to worship in the Christian way of worship, changing the names of all the gods, ghosts and spirits they worshiped before to Jesus, Yahweh and the Holy Spirit, let them continue to worship demons and evil spirits as the true God, and they will never be able to wake up. For example, Pastor Zhao Tianen(趙天恩牧師) and others tried their best to confer LORD Jehovah God as “Haotian” (God 昊天上帝,老天爺), the largest and highest god on the Investiture list of gods in China(封神榜), and at the same time they mechanically copied and applied various gods in the list of Chinese gods into the Bible, in order to achieve this effect. Therefore, the Charismatics and the Great Unity Movement they promoted must become “the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird”, becoming the evilest and filthy religious system in history.

    Jeremiah 16:19-20 O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods?

    1 Corinthians 10:19-20 that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God.

    Ephesians 2:12 that at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:

    The various lies fabricated by the charismatic sects are aimed at making unbelievers and false Christians continue to worship the demons they traditionally, worship in the New Age Movement forms, or Christian ways, so that they will fall into the clutches of the devil and never wake up, never turn over. Therefore, these people have no difficulty in accepting Charismatics, because in addition to changing the names of the gods and ghosts they worship to Jesus, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and God, the ways of worship is changed to the fashionable “Jesus Fashion” form of the New Age Movement or imitating Christianity traditional ways of worship is OK. Such temptations are irresistible. Without the mercy of God the Father, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the strength and guidance actively given by the Holy Spirit, absolutely no one can resist or escape the snare of the Charismatics’ evil spirits. Christians should regard the Charismatics as an enemy, as if they are facing a great enemy, instead of half-pushing, hooking shoulders, calling each other brothers, and co-existing peacefully. Otherwise, you will give place to the devil, partaker of Charismatics’ evil deeds, and you will be defiled by the evil spirits of the Charismatics and suffer losses. Dividing charismatics into extremists and moderates, opposing extreme charismatics but accepting moderates is the greatest ignorance of the church today. whether it is the moderate charismatics who worship the Satan who transformed into an angel of light and righteousness, or the extreme charismatic sects who worship of evil spirits that look thoroughly ferocious and fierce-looking, they all belong to the devil, all come from evil spirits, are all hostile to God, and are all sons of perdition. There is no difference in the essence of worshiping the devil and the evil spirits Satan. It’s just different from the acting skills.

    The Charismatics are heretics who mix in the church to do spiritist, witch, wizard, enchanter, and medium of familiar spirits, in the name of Jesus.  They introduce various pagan and secular trends into the church, corrupting and corrupting the church and becoming the den of Satan, The camp of evil spirits. To be one with the charismatics is to be one with Satan the devil and serve the devil. The various sorcery, magic, and witchcraft played by the Charismatics can’t break out of the pagan traditional way of worshiping demons, but they are bold and reckless, claiming the name of God in vain, and falsely and cunningly packaging those insignificant skills of witchcraft and sorcery in the name of Christ, in the name of God.

    Knowing Charismatics, Who are Charismatics

    《Haotian God(昊天上帝) is a ghost》


    1. Inner Healing ( Memory Healing, Healing Deliverance, Faith for Healing, Miracle Healing 内在醫治,醫治釋放,神跡醫治,信心醫治)

    Inner healing (memory healing, healing deliverance, faith for healing, miracle healing) is to encourage people to trust in their own faith (trust in themselves) instead of trusting in the God of grace and salvation and the Lord Jesus Christ. It is similar to the bragging tricks of “If you are not afraid of not being able to do it, you are afraid of not being able to think of it” and “How bold and productive a person is”. This kind of magic originated from the “faith healing and Miracle healing” of the heretical “Christian Science” and the “New Age Movement”, which combines the psychological concepts and techniques of Jung, who was aconsulter with familiar spirits, and mental patient Freud, a mental patient, such as the inner child, collective unconsciousness, inner self (real self and false self), meditation, hypnosis, retrospection and so on. Inner Healing is a standard psychic art of consulter with familiar spirits, and the methods used are hypnosis, meditation, inner insight, lying, fiction, fantasy, delusion, fantasy and other sorcery and deception common to various pagan religions.

    The essence of the Charismatics is to communicate medium with familiar spirits in the name of Jesus, so the inner healing and healing deliverance of the Charismatics are all ghost-calling techniques in the name of exorcising demons. Therefore, even if the charismatic healing deliverance can show amazing “curative effect” (Acts 8:13), it is just a deception by the big devil to cast out the little devil. Those who are obsessed with this kind of healing deliverance witchcraft are without exception making plans for the flesh or satisfying greed. They are unwilling to repent and forsake their sins, and they do not want to be accused by their conscience. They are completely “for themselves” and none of them seek obedience to God’s will to take up the cross and follow the Lord Jesus Christ, so the more they heal, the more corrupt they will be, and the more they will cast out demons, the more demons will multiply, and the more they will be deliverance, the deeper they will sink. In fact, most of the so-called healing miracles of the Charismatics are live performances by shills who colluded in advance. The great charismatic wizards who practice medicine illegally, such as Benny Hinn and Taibanli, cannot provide a doctor’s diagnosis certificate, and they dare not use their anointing ability to show their hand in the hospital.

    Rev. Hung Tai Fan(樊鴻台牧師) learned psychic and medium the familiar spirit from the Catholic Church, moved to Agape Christian Church(愛修園) to be appreciated, was trained as an ace wizard, and invented the team-healing method of group deception. A large group of people laid hands on a large group of people to pray for healing, so that the man who was without the anointing of healing can make up for it indiscriminately, and those who have not been healed can only blame themselves for their little faith, and guarantee 100% success in the performance. It has become a popular performance method of Healing Deliverance.



    Christians Shouldn’t Accept Inner Healing基督徒不宜接受内在医治——中国基督徒需要批判心理学》


    Reflections on Charismas对于灵恩的再思一群交鬼也勾引人交鬼却以为在事奉神的人》


    2. visualization (图像化祷告,幻视成真术)

    Visualized prayer (illusion into reality) is to concretize what you want (even salvation and healing) and imagine the specific picture in your mind. This is not a simple fantasy, but the main link of ancient psychics related to meditation, meditation, breath adjustment, chanting, etc. It is widely used by warlocks, witches, and masters in various pagan religions. It does not come from the Bible, not from science, but from evil spirits, which have the same root as all kinds of witchcraft since ancient times. visualization is to achieve what you yourself want, rather than to recognize the sovereignty of God. It is essentially the New Age Movement of sorcery thinking of “man becomes God”, and the devil’s “ye shall be as gods” The old trick of lies. This is pure delusion, daydreaming. Only God can speak, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast, His wishes must come true in anything. And these daydreamers want to have the same ability as God, but they regard themselves as gods, and they worship themselves and devils who fool them with “ye shall be as gods”. Therefore, visualization is one of the most commonly used witchcrafts of charismatics, and it is packaged as “the Law Of Faith(信心法則)”, “faith breeding(信心孕育)”, “The Fourth Dimension(第四度空間)”, “Possibility Thinking(積極思想,可能性思想)” and “spiritual practice(屬靈操練)”, and other name promotions. Similar to the Positive Confession prayer(宣告式禱告,積極宣告) delusion, which uses words to manipulate and control the power of the spiritual world and the movement of the material world, “speak, and it was done; commanded, and it stood right now”, “Me and Big Mouth(點舌成金)”, this kind of sorcerer’s delusion uses one’s own thoughts and beliefs to command, mobilize left and right control The power of the spiritual world is used for oneself, and it is a delusion to “driven God”(駕馭神),  so that God can make everything in one’s mind come true. Of course, even evil spirits and devils cannot be driven by these daydreamers. However, since they work for the devil, the devil is also willing to cooperate with them in a double-reed performance, making them seem to be able to achieve their wishes, whimsical, Finally fall into the snare of the devil and the lake of fire in hell. When these people visualized the Lord Jesus and God the Father Jehovah into concrete images, they fell into the trap of idol worship and were bound to be deceived by devils and evil spirits.

    Genesis 3: 4-5  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:  for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

    Matthew 4: 8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them.

    The devil is a master of disguise. As long as people’s hearts are biased towards evil, greed, lust, fame, and vanity, and want to gain some benefits from the devil, and want to see what the devil wants to let him see, the devil will definitely satisfy his fantasies. , of course, he will also be fooled by the devil and have lieth with evil spirits and have fellowship with devils.

    【Attach Note】:

    “Hypnosis—What the Bible Calls ‘Charmer’”


    There are many ways to enter the hypnotic state, but hypnotist Ansari generally says that there are only four principles: relax the body, stop the mind, concentrate on something, and listen to the voice of the hypnotist. Another hypnotist, Goldberg, also said: “Continuously repeated… sensory stimulation with a monotonous rhythm can easily induce a hypnotic state… The key is to make the sensory organs tired.” From this, it can be seen that all New-Age technologies are the old-fashioned way of making superficial changes, hypnosis, visualization, meditation, positive thinking, etc., all the same. Just a little change.

    [ Editor’s note: Tiring the body and insensitivity, resulting in a blank mind, a decline in judgment and discrimination, and opening the door to the invasion of devils and evil spirits are the key means for the success of hypnotism. “James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Resisting the devil with reason, knowledge, strength, and will is God’s command and the most important means to drive away the devil. Charismatics use hypnotism to seduce people to have fellowship with devils, and call people to be open, not to resist, and to open up to the spirits world. These are all methods of the devil. At the same time, in order to let devils and evil spirits invade the human mind, the Charismatics adopt various exercises to make people tired and sleepy, their rational judgment is reduced, and the door of body and mind is obediently opened to the invasion of evil spirits and devils. For example, the 7X24 hour prayers of Harp and Bowl worship, the Tabernacle of David, and the 40-day fasting and prayer are designed to make the body tired, hungry and hungry, sleepy and tired, so that the senses are dull, the sanity is reduced, and it is easy to reach the state of necromancy, spiritism, magic. Shouting, laughing and crying hysterically, talking in tongues non-stop, or repeating hallelujah non-stop, is to make the brain hypoxic, the mind blank, and achieve a hypnotic state. In charismatic worship, people stand and close their eyes and hold their hands up high to make the body stiff and tired quickly and achieve the state required by hypnosis, because closing the eyes will reduce the sense of direction and judgment, and raising the hands will make the body stiff and the body balance ability is impaired, so that tired out quickly. ]

    Yoga: 基督徒绝不可以练瑜伽——瑜伽的真面目和危险》 


    The Alpha Course 启发课程的错误根源和坏果子》 

    Positive Thinking 积极思想/观想/观照》


    Meditation 冥想——倒空头脑,先甜头、后祸害》


    Celebration of Discipline属灵操练礼赞》和教会中的冥想邪术


    Wait Upon God 等候神》交鬼巫术操练步骤 

    3. Positive Declarations prayers (Victory Declarations, Healing Declarations)

    The Positive Declaration is an important part of positive thinking in prosperity theology. It means boldly speaking out what you want, and declaring it loudly in the name of Jesus, and God and the spiritual world will obediently listen to you and let your wishes come true. The church also often teaches not to speak negative “words”, but only positive “words”. This is the same concept as the New Age Movement, that is, both “words and thoughts” have incomparable mysterious power. This kind of sorcery believes that human words carry authority and ability, and can direct and mobilize resources in the material and spiritual worlds for my own use. The Positive Proclamation has nothing to do with a positive attitude. The witchcraft principle of this proclamation is: We humans are like God, words carry power, and what we say has authority. It is an order, and the material world must obey. This is standard witchcraft. Positive announcements are often used in conjunction with “Visualization” (also known as visual prayer meditation, guided imagery, illusions come true, that is, pagan meditation, spirit viewing), which is completely a kind of intercourse with evil spirits, It is impossible for the witchcraft to bring any spiritual benefits to people, and it will only attract more and more evil wild ghosts.

    Only the supreme sovereignty of God can spoke, and it was done; commanded, and it stood fast. Positive Declarations that you want to mobilize the spiritual world and the material world with harsh words is to despise the sovereignty of God, it is boasting, and it is an evil thing. The reason for Declarations is usually because of unbelief, so Positive Declaration is also lying and deceiving oneself. Lying is one of the greatest characteristics of the Charismatics. They did not receive, heal, and repent of their sins, but they “by faith” Declaration that they were healed, received, and overcome. This is the Charismatics standard deception form,  and also the standard witchcraft, Positive Declarations by faith, that is to say, they are constantly lying, lying, lying, and they are constantly teaching people others to lie, lie, lie.

    Prayer is Christian communication with God. The Positive Declarations prayer of the charismatics sect seduces people to turn their backs to God,  and speak, declare, fellowship, and boast in the face of Satan. The devils use provocative methods, seducing people to challenge him with argumentative declarations, and actually tempting people to pray to him. Charismatics think that a victory declaration is a triumph over Satan. Although it is in the name of Jesus, the object of the declaration is Satan. This is praying to Satan: Worship Satan the devil in the name of Jesus.

    Positive Declarations 積極宣告是誇口、是惡事、是藐視神的主權


    Yong-gi Cho 趙鏞基相信在神的國度有份——是靠懷揣夢想,相信並自己宣告,通過禱告實現的。趙鏞基稱上帝預定自己再傳道20年,無人有權趕他下臺。趙鏞基吹過這牛皮不到十年就死了。這種假使徒假先知假師傅連自己什麼時候死都說不準,竟然全世界還有那麼多人敬佩他,真是瞎子領瞎子。

    4. Ridding Your Home of Spiritual Darkness (趕出家中黑暗勢力)

    Ridding Your Home of Spiritual Darkness is a lie imitated by the Charismatic sect from the animistic pagan witchcraft of Taoist painting talismans to ward off evil. The purpose is to divert people’s attention from their own sins, to shift the responsibility for their crimes to various evil spirits, demons, and material idols, and to prevent people from repenting and confessing their sins. Evil spirits and devils are spiritual beings, and they do not like to live in houses made by human hands or gold, silver, wood, and stone idols, but in people’s hearts and bodies, so that they can pretend to be gods, steal or counterfeit the glory of gods. Evil spirits and devils take advantage of people’s sins and love for sins to inhabit people’s hearts and bodies, and become the masters of sinners, while those people become slaves of sins. Charismatics drive out the Spiritual Darkness in the home, which is also emphasizing and acknowledging the authority and power of the devil. They use the name of exorcising demons to recruit devils and attract people’s attention upto all kinds of evil spirits, instead of teaching people to look up to Lord Jesus Christ and His blood for salvation. New Reformed leader Timothy Keller’s best-selling book “The Mask of the Gods” has the same effect as the Charismatics’ emphasis on acknowledging the authority and power of the devil.

    Our sins before believing in the Lord do not need to be dug up and confessed one by one. When we admit that we are helpless sinners who deserve to die and are willing to trust and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our only Savior, the previous sins will be wiped out. Unless there are some sins that we don’t know clearly and will affect our future spiritual life, and we will repeat them ignorantly, unconsciously, or unconsciously, the Holy Spirit will enlighten and lead us to deal with them seriously, such as lying, greed, idolatry, etc. After believing in the Lord, the Holy Spirit will promptly rebuke the sins committed due to weakness and lack of vigilance, and you should repent in time, confess and deal with each sin one by one. Let not sin therefore reign in your body, neither give place to the devil.

    John 14:30 The Lord Jesus said that the prince of the world has nothing in Him. 1 John 4:4 says, Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.  We are united with the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, and the Holy Spirit dwells in us, but the forces of Satan also have nothing in us. If Christians are weak and fall into occasional sins, they do not belong to Satan the devil again, but they care about the lusts and lusts of the flesh. he had not prevailed against the greed, and the lust of the flesh or eyes, passive surrender to sin, accused by Satan, rebuked by the Holy Spirit, punished by God. If he has faith, God will make him overcome his weakness, repent and overcome, and be strong again. The devil will deceive us and say that God does not want us because of our sins, and we will become people who belong to Satan. This is how the charismatics sect advocates for Satan the devil, fabricating lies such as the Spiritual Darkness in the Family, and tempting believers to admit to the authority and power of  Satan and the devil over and over again, destroying the faith they may have had, and they fall even deeper. If we are weak and stumble, or even hardened to sin, we don’t need to negotiate with the devil, touch the heads of evil spirits one by one, admit their authority and power, and scare ourselves half to death. As long as we look upon the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, the mercy of God the Father, confess our sins and repent, and resolve not to sin again, God will surely make us stand strong again.

    5. Confession and prayer for abortion, talking to the dead fetus, and naming the aborted fetus

    The prayer for abortion confession taught by Liang Qiongyue(梁瓊月牧師) is the most popular teaching of the devil, because it is extremely effective and never misses. (When someone was about to cry, Liang Qiongyue would say that some sisters started to cry when she taught here before, crying loudly. This is a hypnotism with verbal hints.) And this kind of sin is very common, so the accusations of the devil’s attacking deception provide ample opportunities. Confession of abortion is also very rare in confessing oneself sins in charismatics teachings of the devil, and confession of one’s own sin can make people feel more sincere, so it is more deceptive.

    Confession praying for an aborted baby is an imitation of the Buddhist and Taoist practice of saving the baby spirit(嬰靈超度), for fear of revenge from the baby spirit(嬰靈作祟報復). It also adopts the Buddhist and Taoist call up the dead of psychic witchcraft and sorcery(觀落陰) as a means of healing, comfort, and compensation.

    When counseling a sister who had an abortion, Liang Qiongyue said that in a false vision, she could see whether the sister’s aborted fetus was male or female; when she described it, the sister said that it looked like his husband (the evil spirits can pretend to be any image you want, pretend to be your husband, of course, it’s a piece of cake. It also proves that Liang Qiongyue has indeed handed over to the ghost, speaking according to the illusion given to her by the evil ghost)! She said that the abortion sister could talk to the dead fetus (pretend of the evil spirit) and name it (if you want to recognize the evil spirit as a son, you have to pay the price of being the son of the devil!), she said that if she wanted to imagine her dead fetus (dead person) as stand in front of her and talk to her! This is obviously a ghost meeting, a conversation with a dead person (an evil spirit pretending to be)! The Bible expressly forbids the living to communicate and speak with the dead (the counterfeit of evil spirits)!

    Abortion is murder, intentional abortion is the murder of biological children. True Christians who sin and confess to God will be forgiven and healed. Charismatics are pagans and they worship evil spirits. It is impossible for them to obtain the peace of forgiveness of sins. They will always be intimidated by the devil’s accusations and cannot gain peace. Therefore, they like to accept the healing of Charismatics time and time again, release witchcraft or imitate pagan mediumism, being deceived by the devil to obtain temporary release and comfort, will eventually be captured and trapped by the devil even more, getting deeper and deeper, and liking the temporary feeling of being “released” more and more, which proves that they have never been forgiven, not healed at all.

    6. Ancestral Curse

    The ancestral curse is one of the main frightening lies that made one’s blood run cold from the charismatics’ teaching.  The New Age Movement integrated the ghost belief of Eastern Taoism(道教鬼魂) and the concept of reincarnation of Hindu Buddhism(佛教輪回) into the trendy scientific thought of the new century, which was brought over by charismatics sects to fool believers. This kind of ancestral curse lie is based on the traditional worship of dead people turning into ghosts, the retribution of good and evil, etc. The belief in ghosts is the belief in magic ghosts such as ancestors haunting(祖先作祟), ancestral graves Feng Shui(祖墳風水), etc., wearing a Christian vest. The purpose is of course to confuse believers, divert believers not to confess and repent of theirself sins, but blame all their faults on ghost ancestors who don’t know which generation or what they look like.

    The Bible says that God will punish the sins of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. When the Bible says that the sins of their forefathers will be repaid to the contemporaries, it is emphasizing that “Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers” (Luke 11:48), they are committing and have been committing the same sins as their forefathers, and did not repent.

    Christians should know that no one can curse us except God who curses us because of our willful sin and refusal to repent. Neither the Gentiles nor the devil nor the law can curse us. [Numbers 23: 23; Colossians 2: 13-14]. Christians who repented of their sins by faith, repented and crucified together with the Lord Jesus became holy. All previous curses of sin have been nailed to the cross and redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus. People who are still threatened by the devil’s lie of ancestral curses are not necessarily weak and confused Christians, often false Christians who do not know the Savior Jesus Christ at all. True charismatics must all be pagans.

    7. Spiritual Covering

    The “Spiritual Covering” lie of the Charismatics is a slang word learned from the underworld gangland, which means “cover you”, which means that when there are some unknown curses or attacks that come to trouble you, they can cover you, to help you settle. Even if they are kind and caring, why should they have the ability to cover you up? Of course, what they mean is not that they have a good relationship with God or that the “Jesus” they believe in is powerful, but that they themselves are well-informed, experienced in the world, often fight with Satan, are old acquaintances with the devil, and have the experience to devious negotiations with evil spirits. So they have the ability to help you cover. This fallacy of Covering does not bring you into the protection of Lord Christ Jesus, but into the “grace” that allows the devil to let you go. This kind of dealing with the devil is to communicate with evil ghosts, and those so-called “Spiritual Covering” are to seduce and coerce people to communicate with evil spirits.

    This cover-up fallacy is for the purpose of controlling believers, and it also uses the intimidation methods of the underworld gangdom. First, it deprives you of the peace you have gained through faith, and deceives you into saying that it is unreliable to rely on the Lord Jesus while you are breastfeeding a baby; Then make up some ghost stories about ghosts and phantoms (ancestors cursing idol power, etc.) to threaten to disturb your mind, coerce and seduce you into a trap, and dependent on them. Since the technique of the charismatics comes from the gangland, of course, it will also bear the underworld gangland’s evil fruits of violent murder, persecution, and control. Where charismatics sects are well developed, the crime rate there must remain high, and the moral world there must collapse rapidly, become depraved and depraved, just like Taiwan and Wenzhou. Many underworld bosses and criminals have also found a place to use and a stage to display their skills in the charismatics church, because the gameplay is the same, and they are used as beautiful witnesses by the charismatics church to show off everywhere.

    This is the trump card of the charismatic sect. Their false prophets and false apostles most often use this reason to fool and intimidate ignorant believers. They teach: “The work of the Holy Spirit is unpredictable to man, and it is operated by the Holy Spirit according to his own will, so we should not judge that strange phenomena what we think”; “Never judge the blessings that God is bestowing”. Liang Qiongyue(梁瓊月牧師) even threatened that if you dare to judge God’s servants, churches, and ministries, you will attract the “spirit of poverty” to attack you. Nothing could be more insidious or deceptive than this statement. First, they set a premise: “They are right, the Spirit manifested in their meetings must be the Holy Spirit”. In fact, this is exactly what should be judged. No one is necessarily right just because he claims to be right. Which heretic admits that he is wrong? Secondly, they push the boat along the way and intimidate believers, saying, “If anyone judges the work of the Holy Spirit, he will be in danger of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.” In this way, they can seal other people’s eyes and mouths, and they can go around in sheep’s clothing to swindle and harm the church of God. When someone criticizes them, they always hold up banners such as not to judge, not to be unloving, not to resist and hinder the work of the Holy Spirit, etc., to silence critics. Because the sin of blasphemy and resisting the Holy Spirit is unforgivable, so whether it is a celebrity or a new believer, they will generally calm down immediately.

    However, their teaching is completely contrary to the Bible.

    1 John 4: 1-2 1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God.

    Matthew 7: 15  Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    Ephesians 5: 10-12 proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

    Revelation 2: 2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars.

    From these Bible scriptures we can see the following truths:

    Judging the work of the spirit is not only the right of Christians, but also the command given to His disciples by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the responsibility of every Christian. Even the work of the Holy Spirit must be tested. All spirits must be tested. Test the Holy Spirit according to the truth of the Bible. , not only will not blaspheme the Holy Spirit, but will also be praised by the Lord Jesus Christ. If a Christian does not discern the work of the spirit, he is scorning God’s warning and rejecting God’s command. This is not true humility, but foolishness. “Beware of false prophets” also gives us the same responsibility and right. Judging whether the “apostles and prophets” came from God is not spiritual arrogance, but obedience to God’s command. Not judging is spiritual ignorance and a violation of God’s command.

    The “Christian” who is bluffed by charismatics leaders and keeps silent out of fear may have not repented and believed in the Lord, and the Lord Jesus Christ has not given him the right and responsibility to judge and test the spirits. It may also be cowardly and ignorant Christians. They dare not offend the leaders of the charismatics heresy, but they dare to reject the orders given to them by the invisible God. They are not afraid to offend God by saying that the work of evil spirits is the work of the Holy Spirit, which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit truly.

    Charismatics heretics claim to believe that the Bible is inerrant, but their actions completely violate the Bible. They can interpret the Bible indiscriminately, making their greed, chaos, adultery, lying, and idolatry all in line with the “Bible”, and it is “God” to them will and command. For example, Bread of Life Christian Church in Taipei Zhou Shenzhu(臺北靈糧堂周神助牧師) interpreted 1 Corinthians 14:39-40 “Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently and in order.” say all well-behaved churches must speak in tongues, thus supporting the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” (that is, the state of being possessed by evil spirits). Charismatics’ interpretation of what the Lord Jesus said, “receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.” means that God not only wants to bless Christians in the next life, but also enables them to gain a hundredfold gain in material wealth in this life. Such absurd interpretations of the “wealth theology” such as the method of transporting by ghosts and the great shifting of heaven and earth have made those false Christians who are obsessed with ghosts and blinded by money believe it as classics and believe in it. Peter Wegener, the global chief false apostle of the Charismatics, developed the “theology of power” of occupying the seven mountains of Babylon and becoming the king of the mountain from Deuteronomy 28:13-14 “The LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath”.

    Therefore, the easiest way to judge the evil spirits of the Charismatics is to look at their fruits. Over the past hundred years, the Charismatics and anyone who has contacted the Charismatics has quickly produced fruits of greed, confusion, lust, lying, psychicism, idolatry, dominion, and division, from these fruits can tell that this spirit is not a holy spirit or a spirit of truth, but an enemy of the Holy Spirit. Charismatic teachings do not require people to love the Lord with humility, deny themselves, take up the cross and walk the narrow path with the Lord, but to teach people to love themselves, vanity, pride, fornication, and greed.

    9. Spiritual Mapping. Prayer Walking for Cast Out Devils

    Prayer Walking for cast-out devils should be used interchangeably with drawing spiritual maps. Before going to pray, you must divide the territory and sphere of influence for various evil spirits and wandering ghosts according to Spiritual Mapping. This is to declare and acknowledge the power of Satan and devils, and it is to attract ghosts. During the walking prayer, you will find many evil spirit forces that you did not expect to pay attention to before (that is, the ghosts that have been recruited and the ghosts that come to the door actively), so you can draw a more detailed and accurate map of the distribution of evil spirits, and carry out more in-depth walking prayers to cast out devils, and go further to draw a global spiritual map, put the whole world under the influence of Satan’s evil spirits, so as to establish a global united prayer network (Pan Liuyuxia潘劉玉霞), against Satan and devils. Therefore, the charismatics sect must drive out more and more devils, because they openly recruit and intersect demons in the name of cast-out devils, and in the end, they hand over the whole world to the devil, allowing Satan, the king of the world, to steal place and power from Jehovah God, the Lord of heaven and earth.

    This Prayer Walking for cast-out devils and Spiritual Mapping is a witchcraft and sorcery cloned from Taoist Fang Xiangshi’s exorcism of ghosts(道教方相氏趕鬼) and Shan Hai Jing ghost science(山海經鬼魂學). It is a replica of a Taoist mage doing a dojo and chanting spells to exorcise ghosts and evil spirits: “Please come to the altar quickly, the Dongying general and the Dongying army, and the gods are as urgent as the law! Please come to the altar quickly, the Xiying general and the Xiying army, Before guarding the Xiying border, exorcising evil spirits and holding evil spirits without stopping.”

    10. Seven Mountain Strategy(轉化七大山頭,七山策略)

    The transformation of the seven mountains is the revelation that Peter Wegener, the contemporary global chief false apostle of the Charismatics, received from the evil spirits of the Charismatics: the theology of power, which is the latest strategic goal of the Charismatics after the great transfer of wealth and the Transformation Workplace. The Charismatics’ highest realm of worldly goals. The vision of the seven hills comes from the world power pyramid of the Illuminati (Masons) and has absolutely nothing to do with biblical truth. The core content of the vision of the “Seven Mountain Strategy” roughly means that through workplace transformation strategies, let them stand out in various hills of power in the world, participate in politics, and become leaders, managers, and experts, so as to realize social transformation, national transformation, and world transformation. So that charismatics can take power all over the world and realize the Gospel strategy of transforming the world into the kingdom of God. The essence of this movement is that this group of pagans who worship Satan’s evil spirits want to use the church system to realize their ambition of becoming kings of the mountain, gaining power, and becoming famous in Babylon.

    According to the apocalypse of the Bible, this world will become worse and worse as time goes on, and it will become more and more corrupt. It is ready to be judged and shattered by God, and it cannot be transformed into the kingdom of God by the evil revival of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Group or the Charismatics. Christians should be separated from this world, and not be mixed with filth. The meaning of being light and salt is to manifest God’s glory and grace, and rescue souls from the world. Unbelievers and Pentecostals like Billy Graham are the sons of the world, the sons of perdition. Of course, they are obsessed with this sinful and corrupt world. They are reluctant to let this prosperous world be smashed by God’s judgment, but they should try their best to control this world, occupy this world, and oppose God.

    11. Cut Soul Tie ( 斷開魂結&連結魂結 Connect Soul Tie)

    Cutting off soul ties (and establishing soul ties) is a sorcery and heresy cloned by charismatics sects from New Age Movement paganism, and it is a deception by evil spirits. Liang Qiongyue(梁瓊月牧師) said that she used the lotus finger to imitate the “sword of the Holy Spirit”, which can help people cut off the implicated influence of sinning with others or being hurt, cut off the “ungodly soul tie”, and “take out the part when committing adultery”. This is the substitution of mock witchcraft for confession and repentance, deceiving oneself that one is already holy. At the same time, Liang Qiongyue also likes to use the so-called “godly soul tie” to achieve the purpose of manipulating and controlling the “loved one”. She thinks this kind of witchcraft is very “effective”, very effective, very useful, and spreads it everywhere. In fact, it uses Homoeopathic Magic to make people fall deeper into deception by evil spirits and self-deception, and the deeper they sink. Don’t you think about it, if she can cut off some “soul ties” in the name of “Jesus” at will, wouldn’t others be able to reconnect them in the name of “Jesus” at will? In this way, wouldn’t her action of “Cutting off soul ties” become an act of deception, what’s the use of it, it’s just a performance of deceiving oneself and others.

    12. Renewing the Wedding Vows, Finding a Spiritual Father, Casting Out the Orphan Spirit

    Renewing the wedding vows is the evil spirits tempting people to annul the marriage contract in the testimony of God in childhood (Malachi 2:14), and now the marriage contract is reestablished under the witness of the charismatics evil spirits and demons. This is the usual trick of charismatics evil spirits. They first deprive believers of their confidence, peace, and assurance before God, and then lure them to recognize Satan as their father and the devil as their god. This is the same deception as “Spirit of the Orphan” and “Finding the Father Figure”. These people claim to be monogamous and monogamous for life, but they immediately abandon their childhood engagements on the spot and perform another marriage. This is simply an astonishing lie and nonsense, which is beyond shame.

    The teachings of “the world lack the image of a father” and “looking for a spiritual father” and the charismatics’ “Casting Out the Orphan Spirit”, “Wife:Helper of Glory”, “Renewing Marriage”, “Building Church Leaders”, “Looking for Spiritual Covering” is the same, both come from the charismatics evil spirits, the New Age Movement evil spirits, and the spirit of the world. It is the false lies and deceitful techniques of the charismatic evil spirits. It is for false believers and The time-killing tools and performance props tailor-made by false teachers who are unwilling to study the Bible are all designed to tempt believers to abandon the only Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, but to recognize the thief as their father and husband, or to regard themselves as God, becoming accursed son of perdition. Christians should know that Heavenly Father has entrusted all authority in heaven and earth to the Son, Jesus Christ, and all matters of salvation and judgment in heaven and earth have been entrusted to the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, so the problems on earth and Africa are not More good fathers who can’t read, don’t have the ability to make a lot of money, like to drink a little wine and smoke a stinky cigarette can solve it, but only by hearing the gospel, trusting in the only Savior Jesus Christ, and committing to being a Christian, can be fundamentally resolved.

    The most common trick used by all heretics and cults is to lure people away from the Savior Jesus Christ, and directly seek to worship the “Heavenly Father”-the devil and evil spirit Satan’s counterfeit “Heavenly Father” or people’s own image. However, the rule set by Jehovah, the only God the Father is, “Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.” (1 John 2:23) “John 8:19 Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.” It is to be a son according to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, not to imitate the image of the Father and play awe-inspiring. If a Christian learns the image of the Lord Jesus and is determined to follow the truth of the Bible, but does not know how to be a father, it is obviously a false belief or a false Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father are one, and can best reflect the image of the Heavenly Father, and most considerately understand the heart of the Heavenly Father. Christians only need to learn from the Lord Jesus.

    Our Savior Jehovah God and the Lord Jesus Christ once said: “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” , that I shall not lose one, but raise him up at the last day.” “I have lost none of those you have given me.” “I will not leave you orphans, but I will come to you.” But Charismatics accused Christians of being possessed by orphan spirits. Christians are watched over by the eternal Heavenly Father, accompanied by the resurrected and living forever elder brother of Christ, guarded and led by the mentor of the Holy Spirit who lives in him and never abandons them, and has countless brothers and sisters who love each other and walk on the road to heaven together. they will never be possible is an orphan. The lies of the “orphan spirit” preached by charismatics evil spirits are intended to deprive Christians of assurance, peace and hope of salvation, to make them doubt their sonship of God, which they have obtained through faith and rebirth, and to doubt God’s salvation and protection leadership. , and thus be deceived into admitting a thief and Satan, an evil spirit, and the devil as his father. This kind of conspiracy to deprive believers of the evidence of salvation in their hearts and destroy their weak faith is also one of the common methods used by various heresies and cults. For example, the Darak Bang heresy(馬可樓異端) that has been raging in China for decades (Seeking the Lost Sheep, Good News Missionary Society, Emmanuel Church, Baptist Church, Rescue (Member) Sect, Mahanaim Theological Seminary, Park Yusu, Yao Guorong, Wang Yuehao, Li Che, Zhu Zhishan, Christ Life Church, Lesson 36, Daily Emmanuel, etc. are all heresies of Darak Bang. 尋迷羊、好消息宣教會、以馬內利教會、浸禮會、救援(員)派、瑪哈念神學院、樸玉洙、姚國榮、王月浩、李徹、朱志山、基督生命堂、36課,每日以馬內利等等都是馬可樓異端) will often question you with a series of questions first, making you doubt your faith and salvation, and then follow their beliefs The law and the way of salvation reborn and saved once again, it’s be regarded as true salvation. In fact, they are dragged into their pirate ship, worship their evil spirits, and believe in their heresies.



    13. Bride of Christ. My Beloved Jesus(榮耀新婦;良人耶穌)

    The most prominent feature and one of the most adept killers of charismatics evil spirits is fornication harlotry, for example, “believe in Jesus to restore the hymen” and “God is better than sex” etc. All such evil purposes. The same concepts such as “Christ’s Bride” and “My Beloved Christ” are also used by Charismatics to seduce people to the lust of the flesh.

    The Bride of Christ refers to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, not to individual Christians. Charismatics intentionally confuse the relationship between Christians and Christ as master and servant, and falsely claim that believers are “Christ’s glorious bride” and “My Beloved” in order to seduce the holy relationship between Christians and the Lord Jesus Christ to the lust of the flesh the direction of lewd thinking, through various psychic witchcraft and sorcery, intercourse with evil spirits and ghosts to make peace. For example, Jiang Xiuqin’s(江秀琴)teaching of “Song of Solomon”: “Living with Jesus” (與耶穌同房. Jiang Xiuqin said the original text of “being with God” means “being to have sex with Jesus”. This teaching of intercourse with Jesus is patently misleading to go inside the enjoyment of carnal lust. What they get close to is not the real God, but the counterfeit of evil spirits. Evil spirits make people enjoy their feelings and flesh. All charismatic fans who used Jiang Xiuqin’s Psychics “Waiting for God” to visit this evil spirit quickly fell into the sins of fornication, lying, and rebellion, and couldn’t extricate themselves.) “Take Me Fly” worship in “The Harp & Bowl Worship”, the worship of “Bride Warrior” in Lamb Hymn, Canaan poetry “My Beloved and Me” and so on, all have such evil purposes. Although Xiaomin(小敏) claims that the bride in her song refers to the church, and has no intention of misleading believers to regard herself as the bride of Christ, in fact, this statement is a very poor lie that gave herself away. Xiaomin testified that she sang The songs she sang were all involuntary, without knowing the content, purpose, and effect in advance, and she sang when she was inspired by a certain spirit, so her lying about it is really not very clever.

    14. Love yourself, be yourself (self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence)

    Only by learning to love yourself can you love others, love the world, love yourself as you are, be yourself, build self-confidence, and believe in yourself to affirm your own value, etc. These fallacies of being considerate of human desires, selfishness, greed, vanity, etc. are the Charismatics moved from the paganism of the New Age Movement and the devil theory of secular psychology. It is the revelation and confusion of the evil spirit of love who pretends to be God in the New Age Movement “God is love, and love is God.” The evil spirits of the New Age Movement are good at teaching about self-love. This kind of teaching about loving oneself and being oneself comes from evil spirits. It is completely hostile to the Bible’s “self-denial”, “not seeking mine own profit”, “no self but the Lord”, and “I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes”.

    The problem with people is not that they don’t know how to love themselves, on the contrary, everyone is born a master of selfishness and self-love. It is precisely because they love themselves too much, they are considerate of the lust of the flesh, indulge the lust of the eyes, pursue vanity and pride, plan for themselves everywhere, and do everything for themselves. Themselves as a center, it has created the social reality that everyone hurts each other. Man was created in God’s own image at the beginning, possessing truthful righteousness, holiness, and love, reflecting God’s glory and holiness, living for the glory of God, and having no self in his heart. The first thing humans realize after sinning is to “know themselves” and “for themselves” (Genesis 3:7 Genesis 3:7 The eyes of the two of them were opened, and only then did they “know that they” were naked, and they Take fig leaves and make a skirt “for yourself”.) The manifestation of a life of sin is that it gradually becomes more and more self-aware and lives entirely for itself. In fact, everyone’s problem is the unfortunate and hopeless life caused by loving themselves too much and too selfish, not because they don’t know how to love themselves. The effective way for the devil to instigate and tempt sinners is to strengthen their ambitions of “being for themselves”, “themselves can”, and “being themselves”, and finally expand their ambitions to “shall be as God” (Genesis 3:5). Only those who are born again in the Lord Jesus Christ can learn to love ” not seeking mine own profit”.

    Believe in Yourself 命運只掌握在自己手裡的基督徒》


    Be Yourself 勇敢做自己的基督徒


    15. Pray to the Holy Spirit

    Charismatics can find many reasons to persuade people to pray to the Holy Spirit with emotion and reason. This is one of the conclusive evidences that charismatics worship evil spirits and devils. There is no example of praying to the Holy Spirit in the Bible, but it is clearly stated that the Holy Spirit will inspire and lead believers to pray to the Father, and pray to the Father on behalf of believers. Although the Holy Spirit has the same power as the Father and the Son, but the Holy Spirit is completely humble and only single-minded reveals the glory of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, and leads people to know the Savior Jesus Christ and God the Father. Christians’ prayers that are in line with God’s will are inspired and led by the Holy Spirit. If they pray to the Holy Spirit, it becomes the Holy Spirit leading believers to worship himselves. This is by no means the work of the Holy Spirit. Any spirit that tempts people and encourages them to worship, praise and pray to themselves is definitely not the Holy Spirit, but must be an evil spirit. Some charismatics are very cunning. They don’t say pray to the Holy Spirit, but say “pray to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” or “pray in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” are essentially the same, and the purpose is to pray to the Holy Spirit.

    16. Invite the Holy Spirit

    “Holy Spirit, come”, “Holy Spirit, we welcome you”, “Invite the Holy Spirit to come”, “May Holy Spirit run”, “Fellowship with the Holy Spirit”, etc. Inviting the Holy Spirit like this, no matter how sincere it is, is inviting ghosts. For regenerated Christians who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, inviting the Holy Spirit in this way is like riding a donkey to find a donkey; for charismatic pagans who believe wrongly, falsely believe, and are not born again, inviting the Holy Spirit in this way is climb a tree to catch fish. The Holy Spirit is not called in this way, but is given by God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ through faith, repentance and turning away from sin. Christians who already have the Holy Spirit do not have to worry about losing the Holy Spirit. The operation of the Holy Spirit is also according to one’s own will (combined with God’s will and the will of the Lord Jesus Christ), and it is not something that humans can control and order. This ghost-calling and witchcraft are exactly the same as the ghost-calling and soul-calling techniques of the New Age Movement Paganism and traditional folk spiritualism to ghosts and gods.

    17. Practice Speaking in Tongues and Praying in Tongues

    Charismatics believe that speaking in tongues is the first evidence of spiritual baptism, a sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit, and even a sign of salvation, so they encourage speaking, learning, and translating in tongues.

    The tongues spoken in modern times are neither the foreign languages spoken in the Bible nor the languages of angels. There are usually two types only: one is derived from pagan mantras, for example, imitated from the Buddhist “Om Mani Padme Hum” (嗡嘛呢呗咪吽)or the Taoist Qiqi “The spirit of heaven and earth is as urgent as a law”(天灵灵地灵灵急急如律令). It is from evil spirits. The other type is to quickly repeat meaningless syllables or monotonous words, such as “Da Da Da…”, “Hallelujah, Luah, Ya…”, when the tongue is numb and the mind is dizzy, it becomes A “dialect” that no one can understand. This is a kind of hypnosis. The principle is that rapid repetition of continuous pronunciation causes brain hypoxia, physical fatigue, dizziness, and Venus diamonds appear in the eyes, so as to realize blank consciousness, the decline of sanity, loss of the purpose of distinguishing and vigilance, and enter hypnosis state, providing opportunities for evil spirits to invade. The results of these modern charismatics tongues are more indulgence, confusion, depravity, shamelessness, and indiscrimination. So now when you meet someone who flaunts their special ability to speak in tongues, just resist them. You will not make mistakes, you will not offend the Holy Spirit, and you will only keep yourself from being defiled.

    The purpose to be achieved of the ghost tongues that the charismatics sect seeks is to have sex with evil spirits and ghosts. Speaking in tongues is just a means of hypnosis to achieve the hypnotic effect of a blank mind, confusion, and physical fatigue. Therefore, the Charismatics emphasize speaking in tongues in order to cover up their real purpose of witchcraft with ghosts, psychics, and fornication. Only criticizing the fallacies and confusion of the Charismatics speaking in tongues technically from a theological point of view, without addressing the nature of the evil spirits of the Charismatics, it is impossible to expose the evil and deceitful purpose of the Charismatics. This is one of the major mistakes in resisting the Charismatics.

    “1 Corinthians 14 on Tongues”:

    The positive role of speaking with tongues:

    1. Building up yourself in a limited way. There are many ways to build up yourself, speaking with tongues is only a secondary way.

    2. If it can be translated, it can build up the church to a limited extent. Almost 10,000 words in tongues are equivalent to five words of teaching.

    3. (Local dialect) As evidence of the warning or judgment of unbelievers, push them to know God and repent. But it will also make them more hardened and unwilling to believe.

    Negative effects of misusing the gift of tongues: bringing pride and confusion, affecting the growth of spiritual stature; stumbling unbelievers, making them more hard of heart, and rejecting God.

    The correct attitude towards the pursuit of dialects:

    1. Those who do not have the gift of tongues should seek better gifts for prophecy (spreading the word of God and explaining the Bible).

    2. Those who have the gift of tongues should pursue interpreters to help build up the church, instead of seeking to speak more tongues that people cannot understand.

    3. Pursuing tongues is a manifestation of spiritual naivety. Be MEN in understanding, more and more in spiritual knowledge and in all judgment, don’t be children who don’t know good or malice.

    The gift of tongues includes local dialects (speaking to those who can understand them) and angelic speech (speaking to God or being able to translate them for people to hear). They are all given by the Holy Spirit at will and according to needs, not learned or taught by others. Those who speak in tongues must be able to control and understand the gifts and meanings of tongues, and use them carefully and discerningly, with the purpose of building up themselves and the church.

    1 Corinthians 14 Difficult Verses: Verse 20 be not children in understanding. Because Paul thought the Corinthians were spiritually immature in their ardent pursuit of tongues, the tone of the original text is similar to “don’t be childish” or “stop and look like a grown-up”. Verse 22 tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not. Here is the interpretation of the verses quoted in 21: Tongues (foreign languages) are evidence of warning and judgment to unbelieving Judah, but cannot help them build faith. Verse 32 The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. The “spirit of the prophets” refers to the various spiritual gifts of the prophet. It means that the prophet can control and use various spiritual gifts skillfully. Otherwise, he has been speaking in tongues and cannot take the initiative to stop in time. It is necessary to check whether the spirit may not come from God. Verse 39 forbid not to speak with tongues. What Paul clearly encouraged was to earnestly desire to prophesy, and he discouraged speaking in tongues. In order to worship evil spirits, the Charismatics deliberately misinterpreted the scriptures as “all well-behaved churches must (must) speak in tongues, and cannot prohibit and resist tongues.” This is deliberately distorting the scriptures and unto their own destruction.

    18. The practice of prophecy, the gift of prophetic prophecy

    Compared with the gift of tongues that everyone in the charismatics sect can speak, the gift of speaking prophetic prophecy is superior. Not everyone can have this inspiring trick. According to “Acts 2:17-18And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens, I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.” And other scriptures, encourage charismatics believers to prophesy by the “Holy Spirit”, Because prophecy is no longer the province of prophets. Obviously, not everyone has the guts and thick skin to prophesy (lies) in front of the public without changing their countenance. Only embolden by relying on the counterfeit “Holy Spirit” that the evil spirits from mediums and spiritists, can they boldly speak out those no wild and outrageous prophecies. Prophecy and practicing the gift of prophecy are essentially lying, lying, lying… teaching others to lie, lying to others, lying to others, lying to others… lying to oneself. The evil spirit they rely on to prophesy is the devil, the father of the liar. (John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.)  The speaking prophecy in the New Testament refers to explaining the Bible and preaching the word of God. It is not at all the skill of the prophetic sorcerers and street blind magicians,  which the charismatics sect envies with jealousy. (Jeremiah 23:32 Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD.)

    Speaking false prophecies and being false prophets are sins most hated by the holy and jealous Jehovah God. Speaking false prophecies in the last days, false prophets will be rampant and popular, people will also suffer from it, and they will be severely judged and punished by God:

    Zechariah 13:3-4 And it shall come to pass, that when any shall yet prophesy, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say unto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakest lies in the name of the LORD: and his father and his mother that begat him shall thrust him through when he prophesieth.  And it shall come to pass in that day, that the prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision, when he hath prophesied; neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive.

    19. Kingdom for Jesus(末世先锋)

    To be the vanguard of the last days (Forerunner of Christ 慕主先鋒) is the slogan of Mike Bickle(畢邁可), Jiang Xiuqin(江秀琴), and other famous charismatics mages and witches, These are all the same slogans as the International House of Prayer (IHOP), Rebuild the Tabernacle of David(重建大衛帳幕), Harp and Bowl Worship(琴與爐的敬拜), and praying 7×24 hours Movement (7×24小時禱告運動), All Nations Worship Center, One Thing Worship(One Thing特會), Restoration Apostolic Church(恢復使徒性教會), etc. They are the seven other spirits more wicked brought by The End-Time Prayer Movement, which revelation of the charismatics chief false prophet Bob Jones in his experience of going to hell, received from “Jesus” who lived in hell, that is the charismatics evil spirit counterfeit Load Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. They are all psychic and witchcraft methods received from charismatics evil spirit who counterfeit Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

    (Charismatics widely spread the testimony of going to heaven and going to hell, the evil purpose is to testify that their Jesus lives in hell.)

    They distorted the eschatology of the Apocalypse and boasted that they would build an end-time vanguard army with the spirit of Elijah and the mind and power of John the Baptist, to defeat the Antichrist during the catastrophe, to summon God’s catastrophe judgment, and welcome the second coming of Christ ( as a bride, in the apostolic Restorative Church form, etc.). In this way, although they did not set a timetable for the second coming of the Lord Jesus. They set the necessary prerequisites they believed: they, the pioneer apostolic restorative churches of the last days, should rise first and lead the global churches to achieve unity, holiness, glory, Full of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, cry out to the Lord Jesus, “Come, Lord Jesus”. The strength of the vanguard’s shouts will determine whether the steps of the Lord Jesus’ return will be fast or slow. Simply put, when Christ will come again depends on their faces. (According to Mike Bickle’s end-time teachings, there are prerequisites for the return of Jesus: when the global church recognizes itself as the bride of Christ and calls out loudly “Come, Lord Jesus”, Jesus will come again only when their voices are loud enough; The church operates in the unity of the Holy Spirit, and is anointed in prayer to release the great judgment of the devastating end-time disaster before Jesus returns. According to Mike Bickle, the end-time church will have the ability to “release or postpone” God’s judgment in (last-day) history. So their purpose as pioneers is to be able to manipulate gods, command gods, control gods, and make themselves gods more powerful than gods. This is the same method as those heroes who want to spread the gospel back to Jerusalem, contrary to the Great Commission issued by the Lord Jesus, they resist God and hinder the Lord Jesus Christ.) Such ambitions are very inspiring, but they have an inescapable detour, that is, before the return of Christ in Revelation, there will be that Antichrist to unify world religions and politics, and there will be catastrophes. So they must first summon that the Antichrist who can unify the world and bring false peace, to fight with him for 300 rounds, let them enjoy the addiction of being pioneer heroes, personally defeat the Antichrist, and prepare the way for the real King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ Only then can the true Christ be ushered in. In this way, it became a devil ghost summoning in the name of welcoming Christ. In fact, what they worked so hard without eating, sleeping, and working 7×24 to pray and summon to welcome was the Antichrist evil spirit, beast, and Satan devil. Similarly, they cannot escape the catastrophe, so their prayer is also a prayer for God to send disaster and judgment, instead of asking God for peace, blessings, and disaster relief like Christians. Mike Bickle’s dream and practice is to let all the nations of the world pray together, let this global prayer movement make the catastrophe in the book of Revelation come true through prayer.  And call a “killing Jesus”, covered in blood, to step forward and fight against the enemy the Antichrist army will also bring about the killing of billions of men, women, and children. This is a reprint of the Gnostic thought of the dualistic war between gods and demons. It vilifies and belittles Jehovah God and the Lord Jesus Christ, and exalts Satan the devil. They believe that the devil has the power to fight against God, believe that Jehovah God is the source of disaster and evil.

    20. Back to Jerusalem movement

    The Back to Jerusalem Movement is a devil’s revelation developed from the 10/40 Window vision proposed by Peter Wagner(彼得.魏格納), the contemporary global chief false apostle of the Charismatics at the Second Lausanne Tower of Babel Conference, and is used to replace the Lord Jesus’ promulgation The Great Commission, which runs counter to the Great Commission. Wang Yongxin(王永信牧師) and other protagonists who participated in the Second Lausanne Conference introduced this vision to the Chinese. And colluded with several demon heads of the Five Great Charismatics Churches in China to weave this devil’s revelation into a beautiful story that originated in China. And it also evolved into a story of God’s response to the Chinese. it is the irresistible destiny: The Chinese are the last stick to spread the gospel back to Jerusalem and welcome the return of Jesus Christ. So this BACK TO JERUSALEM slogan became a very effective sign of the infiltration and contamination of the charismatic evil spirits, no matter what denomination they call themselves, evangelical, fundamentalist, reformed, reformed, etc. whatever , as long as it is advocated and practiced to participate in this Back to Jerusalem movement, it must be inseparable from the charismatics evil spirits.

    The heroes who initiated and participated in this movement stipulated that if they did not spread the gospel to the whole world and bring it back to Jerusalem, the Lord Jesus would not be allowed to return; David’s Tabernacle”, “Muslim Mission” and “Jewish Mission” and other gimmicks are determined to spread the gospel all over the world and back to Jerusalem, forcing the Lord Jesus to come again for no reason. In this way, God and Jesus Christ can be played in the palm of your hand.

    As time went by, their prophecies and big plans failed one after another, and they were full of ugliness. Recently, they changed their minds and said that returning to Jerusalem is not the end of the missionary movement, but the beginning. Chinese Christians should try to spread the gospel back to Jerusalem first, and then spread from Jerusalem to the whole world, just playing around in circles like this.

    Even so, few people dare to say a word about this movement from the charismatics evil spirit, Satan, or the devil, otherwise they will become everyone’s enemy and the target of everyone’s criticism. Because this movement advocated as “God’s final ordination to the Chinese people; The calling and destiny of China from God”, it gained control over the Chinese people. Anyone who dares not to accept this destiny is disobedient to God, does not love the people of china, and does not obey the Great Commission. Therefore, it went unimpeded in the Chinese church and became the main theme. So it became the theme song of Huafu(華福), the signature dish of the Great Commission Center, the main theme of the Gospel Conference, and the general direction of the Chinese church. The strong control of Chinese believers by the charismatics evil spirit can be seen from the popularity and importance of this movement.

    21. The Prayer of Jabez

    Jabez asked Jehovah God for prosperity and blessings, and God made him successful and prospered. Therefore, the only Jabez prayer in the ages became a model prayer for the prosperity theology of the Charismatics, and it became a kind of prayer they used to manipulate and mobilize God, an efficient spell. But they completely ignore the different scenes, and there is no similarity or comparison at all. The prayer of Jabez is that when the suffering people live in a world of misery caused by worshiping Baal idols and committing adultery, they do not worship Baal, but look up to the invisible, intangible, and unprovable god of their ancestors. Believe in this The self-existing Jehovah God is the source of blessings. But the modern charismatics are a group of people who are full of food, fat, and filthy rich, for their own greed and lust, they use this prayer technique to get cheap from a god they don’t believe in.

    The Jabez prayer is the same as other prayer techniques used by the Charismatics, such as the Prayer of Flame, the Prayer of the Tabernacle of David, the Prayer of Harp and Bowl, etc. They are all used by the Charismatics as magic to manipulate and control God, so that God had to listen to them, be used by them, listen to their orders, and do them good. They don’t believe that God has any ability to hide from the cat and not bless them, but they believe that their prayer spells can pull God out and obediently listen to them, and must bless them give gifts to them. This kind of delusion uses magic to control and manipulate the power of the spiritual world, which is witchcraft and sorcery, but the Charismatics promote such witchcraft and sorcery based on the Bible in the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, which seems a little taller. Compared with those extreme charismatic thugs who want to “open the sky”, pierce the sky, and take God down, so that He has to bless them, Jabez prays more gently, and it is easier for the moderate charismatics (Evangelical, Reformed, etc.) accepted.

    22. Great Harvest in the End Time

    The vision of the Great Harvest of Souls in the last days was received by Bob Jones(鮑伯.瓊斯) and Rick Joyner(雷克‧喬納) , the leaders of the false apostles of the contemporary Charismatics, from the “Jesus” who brought them to hell. It is the source of the prayer movement in the last days. Many witchcraft and sorcery of Charismatics are all promoted in order to echo the vision of the Great Harvest in the last days. The core of this end-time Harvest vision is the “2020 Vision”, which basically means that 2012 to 2020 is the second wave of end-time Harvest. People in this wave are the most blessed. Opportunity is sent out to be the hero of this or the third wave of the Great Harvest (the last wave), and will be greatly rewarded at the end of the day for meritorious deeds. Therefore, the “2020 Vision” of the Harvest in the last days is the same as the “Back to Jerusalem” vision. Gospel organizations are all driven by charismatics evil spirits, such as The Alpha Course(啓發課程), Chinese Congress on World Evangelization(華福), and so on.

    The Bible never predicts that there will be a great harvest of souls in the last days. If the harvest refers to the preaching of the gospel, it means that we must actively preach the gospel regardless of the time and the time. What’s more, it is getting harder and harder to spread the gospel, and it is getting worse and worse for life and harvest. The great harvest in the book of Revelation basically refers to the judgment of unbelievers and hypocrites, and the river of blood that can flow six hundred miles as high as a horse’s bridle refers to the blood of tares or goats.

    The Jesus who raised Bob Jones from the dead to come back to save the world and spread the gospel to do a big business of saving 100 million souls did not instruct Bob Jones according to the original revelation of the Bible. But according to the new revelation of the New Apostles and Prophets Movement, preaching It is another gospel, and the people who are harvested by this gospel are another group of people, that is, those who have a share in the river of blood and lake of fire six hundred miles away.

    Charismatics are extremely keen on evangelism, and like to promote such a harvesting movement, because evangelism requires money, and they can legally rob and collect money. This is as blatant as the greed of those who brag about bringing the gospel back to Jerusalem. In order to cope with the huge amount of money needed for missionary harvesting, they have evolved countless fallacies such as the Great Transfer of Wealth (the Great Transfer of the Five Ghosts), the Great Transfer of Power (the Transformation of the Seven Mountains and the Transformation of the Workplace), and so on to amass money. Although their wealth transfer is mainly to collect taxes and rob from believers, they say they want to transfer the money from the pockets of unbelievers to the pockets of their believers. This is their rare honest, because charismatics believers are really different Christians, they are not Christians, just false Christians. Although their transformation of the seven great mountains and the great transfer of power is to ask for power from the world and aspire to be the king of the mountain in secular Babylon. It is actually showing prestige to the believers, using all kinds of authority, privileges, positions, crowns, powers, and anointing that they fabricated and bestowed by them self, to oppress believers.

    23. Soweth Bountifully and Reap Bountifully

    “Soweth Bountifully and Reap Bountifully” is the most popular wealth-making technique popularized by charismatics sects. The method is to get cheap from a foolish old man named Jehovah. Charismatics believe that the stupid old man named Jehovah and his son Jesus are very stupid, no matter what god you believe in, as long as you give him one dollar, he will happily return you thirty, sixty, or even one hundred dollars. So this is a quick way to make a fortune without losing money, and it is widely welcomed by faithful men and women. Charismatics also promoted this method of getting rich that one dollar to one hundred dollars as the agent of Jehovah God’s money bag, and made a lot of money. Unbelievers can understand that this is a trick to coax children if they think about it with their toes. However, countless people in the world who think they believe in Jesus, pastors, preachers, and professors of theology believe in such a shortcut to getting rich. Take advantage of God, so that Jehovah God will open the windows of the sky, and pour out blessings to them with a full bucket, shaking and pressing, up and down, and there is even no room for it. The Jehovah God they worship is actually Baal, Beelzebub or Zhao Gongming, the God of Wealth, who took a foreign name.

    The most evil explanation for tithing is the one I have heard from Dr. Tang Chongrong(唐崇榮博士牧師). Dr. Tang first emphasized that “one-tenth belongs to God” (Leviticus 27:32). Failure to tithe is “robbing God’s things”. And then said that the principle of the New Testament era is complete dedication, you and all you have belong to God, dare to say money or not, a few tenths. In this way, Dr. Tang has reached the highest peak of spirituality and morality, and no one dares to argue, because no one can do it, and they are all guilty and ashamed people.

    The New Testament emphasizes that believers should dedicate themselves physically and mentally as living sacrifices to the Lord. There is no rule of tithing money and property. Instead, it emphasizes willingness, love, and faith in giving. “It is more blessed to give than to receive” is our attitude toward life, not a recipe for getting rich. The church, the needs of the gospel work, and the giving of compassion and care will be inspired and led by the Holy Spirit. Blind charity may not please God, and it may even be “helping the wicked”. The common situation is that many Christians can’t find a suitable way to give money, and they can’t even tithe, because the church is lazy and has no ministry.

    Charismatics say that giving is love, is compassion, not a shortcut to getting rich, etc. Generally, What they say is generally not wrong. The problem is that they knowingly make a fool of themselves. After they finish talking about the correct principles and attitudes of giving, they hint or encourage you on the spot to give first, give to God (they or their church), and let God “open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it”. You can also donate tithe and let God bless you generously, allowing you to take nine-tenths and get the big head. So the charismatic sect is not only bad, but also arrogant and arrogant, lying on the spot, not treating the congregation as normal people with IQ at all, but only treating people as idiots.

    Of course, the charismatics wolf header needs to collect money and be greedy. The purpose and focus of evil spirits is not money, but to control the congregation by plundering their money. On the one hand, the greed that encourages them to want to “take the big head” repeated defeats. nine out of ten times has fallen into a wild bet of investing one and earning thirty or sixty and being too deeply involved to withdraw. On the other hand, few of them are as wealthy as Wang Xuehong(王雪红), who bottomed out in a few moments and lost the freedom of accounting. They can only place more empty hopes of turning the tide on the church and the charismatics’ evil spirits. In this way, they will be controlled by charismatics’ evil spirits forever and cannot turn over.

    24. Cleanse with the Precious Blood of Jesus(things and places)

    Charismatics like to use the precious blood of Jesus as 84 disinfectant or Diaopa dishwashing liquid, and use the precious blood to clean certain places, certain items, food, food, and things anytime and anywhere. Obviously, this is extremely profane. The precious blood of the Lord Jesus is used to wash away sins, cleanse life, and redeem souls, and it is not used for washing and cleaning as casually as ordinary things like the Charismatics. This is an imitation of Taoism and other pagans’ witchcraft of sprinkling pig blood and chicken blood and spraying cinnabar symbols to drive away evil spirits and ghosts.

    25. Prayer altars, family altars, national altars

    Charismatics build altars everywhere and offer sacrifices, thinking that they are imitating Abraham. However, these are altars for ghosts, for worshiping evil spirits and devils. The only altar that God requires of us Christians is the cross, and the sacrifice is that we offer our whole being to God as a living sacrifice. The meaning of altar sacrifice is to burn sacrifices on the altar and offer them to the gods. Charismatics like to offer family, country, and other big things as sacrifices to God, but they are not in charge of the family, nor do they have the final say in the country, so this is borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, using other people’s things as favors, Tell lies and make empty promises to deceive God. These altars built by the charismatics are not in accordance with the pattern of the heavens revealed by Jehovah God, but imitate the models of ghost altars such as pagan earth temples, mountain temples, and sea god Mazu temples. They are sacrifices to the devil.

    “What kind of spirit did the Charismatics laying hands on Ma Ying-jiu?”

    2 Kings 16:10-16 10And king Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, and saw an altar that was at Damascus: and king Ahaz sent to Urijah the priest the fashion of the altar, and the pattern of it, according to all the workmanship thereof. 11And Urijah the priest built an altar according to all that king Ahaz had sent from Damascus: so Urijah the priest made it against king Ahaz came from Damascus. 12And when the king was come from Damascus, the king saw the altar: and the king approached to the altar, and offered thereon. 13And he burnt his burnt offering and his meat offering, and poured his drink offering, and sprinkled the blood of his peace offerings, upon the altar. 14And he brought also the brasen altar, which was before the LORD, from the forefront of the house, from between the altar and the house of the LORD, and put it on the north side of the altar. 15And king Ahaz commanded Urijah the priest, saying, Upon the great altar burn the morning burnt offering, and the evening meat offering, and the king’s burnt sacrifice, and his meat offering, with the burnt offering of all the people of the land, and their meat offering, and their drink offerings; and sprinkle upon it all the blood of the burnt offering, and all the blood of the sacrifice: and the brasen altar shall be for me to enquire by. 16Thus did Urijah the priest, according to all that king Ahaz commanded.

    2 Kings 21

    1Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and reigned fifty and five years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Hephzi-bah. 2And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, after the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel. 3For he built up again the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed; and he reared up altars for Baal, and made a grove, as did Ahab king of Israel; and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them. 4And he built altars in the house of the LORD, of which the LORD said, In Jerusalem will I put my name. 5And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD. 6And he made his son pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger. 7And he set a graven image of the grove that he had made in the house, of which the LORD said to David, and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever: 8neither will I make the feet of Israel move any more out of the land which I gave their fathers; only if they will observe to do according to all that I have commanded them, and according to all the law that my servant Moses commanded them. 9But they hearkened not: and Manasseh seduced them to do more evil than did the nations whom the LORD destroyed before the children of Israel.

    26. Get Rid of Guilt

    One of the most obvious signs of repentant and reborn Christians is their sensitivity to sin. Once they are involved in a sin, they will immediately be reprimanded by the Holy Spirit, and their hearts will be disturbed. Only when they confess and repent to God can they be released safely. The devil vainly wants to get rid of Christians’ awareness of sin, so that they will not feel ashamed and disturbed by sin, so that their conscience will gradually become accustomed to it as if it had been scorched by a hot iron, so that they will become insensitive to sin, be numbness to sin, and fall into the trap of sin. In life, no longer wake up. The charismatics evil spirit “Remove the Sense of Guilt” is carrying out this trick of the devil. Of course, the Charismatics do not use the methods revealed in the Bible to confess their sins to God, repent, trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, forgive their sins, wash their sins and gain peace, but use secular psychology, New Age technology and other methods of self-deception to obtain The temporary sense of security will eventually fall into a deeper snare, and they have no choice but to seek magic spells such as healing and release again and again to fall into deeper self-deception. What is even more evil is that the Charismatics distort and accuse the Holy Spirit’s condemnation and vigilance of Christians as Satan’s accusation. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and it is a sin that will never be forgiven in this world and in eternity.

    27. Workplace Transformation (Businessmen’s Fellowship; Artist Fellowship)

    The “Workplace Transformation” that the charismatics sects spread overwhelmingly is the core content of the vision of “Transforming the Seven Mountains”. The general strategy is to achieve social transformation, national transformation, and world transformation through workplace transformation, to get ahead in the workplace, to allow Christians to take power all over the world, and to realize the Gospel strategy of transforming the world into the kingdom of God.

    This vision obviously comes from evil spirits. The kingdom of God established in this way is not the kingdom of heaven that God wants. On the contrary, God earnestly warns Christians not to miss the kingdom on earth, but to look forward to the kingdom given by heaven. Because this world on earth is a world ready to be judged and destroyed by God. The vision of the Charismatics is completely contrary to the revelation of the Bible, because the Charismatics are pagans and they worship evil spirits. They worship the wild ghosts they summoned, not the Holy Spirit. The charismatic God is the devil who lies and opposes God, so everything they do is for the devil, which runs counter to God’s eternal will. Of course, those who promote this movement are the charismatic churches headed by Zhou Shenzhu(周神助) of Bread of Life Christian Church in Taipei, Chen Zhonghui(陳仲輝) of Agape Christian Church, Kou Shaoen(寇紹恩) of The Home of Christ Church, etc., and the evangelicals, Presbyterians, and Catholics who have united with the charismatics church in spirit. The essence of this movement is that this group of Satan-worshiping pagans want to use the church system to realize their ambition to be king and head in Babylon.

    They encourage people to be Daniel and Joseph in the workplace, and not to forget God’s will and mission of the gospel because of their high positions. They remind people not to be fascinated by mammon in the workplace, but to live out a good testimony. This is a poor lie like there are no silver three hundred taels here, what they care about is the high position in the workplace, and what they love in their hearts is the mammon in the workplace.

    Artist fellowship, businessman fellowship, lawyer fellowship, intellectual (Nicodemus) bible study class, and leadership conference are the most successful symbolic results of charismatic workplace transformation, and these circles belong to high-income groups. These fake Christians infiltrated the church and used the name of God to earn their fame and interests, but they did not forget to show off before God that they are versatile entertainers; A righteous and benevolent man who fights for human rights; A seven-rank sesame official who can ride on the heads of the people and play prestige; A cultural person who can understand various theology and cultural sciences, and can study God from the bottom up. They just use the church, use their faith to earn popularity, and connections to work hard for their careers, and to serve their ideals and values in life.

    28. Dreams; Visions; Come and Go to Hell or Heaven Freedom

    Charismatics generally like to boast about their dreams and visions, and regard their nightmare experiences as new revelations from God. They prefer to brag about how going to heaven and going to hell is like going shopping and eating home-cooked meals. These testimonies are not all made up, some are revelations from evil spirits obtained from Taoism, Buddhism and other pagan religions such as calling up the dead,  vipassana insight of Buddhism and other psychic teachings. They witnessed is nothing but the dream of Satan and the devil: Delusion to escape from the lake of fire in the underworld. Of course, the more evil purpose, such as the testimony of those who went to heaven and hell, is to prove that they saw Jesus in the underworld and hell, thus proving that Jesus lived in the underworld and hell. All these testimonies are from the devil, and there is no need to discern them.

    29. The great revival of the church in the last days

    The Bible never promises a great revival of the church in the last days. “Revival” appears 14 times in the Bible, and 9 times in the Old Testament, all of which refer to the good wishes of turning the Israelites back and repenting, but they all failed in the end. The New Testament appears 5 times, none of which is related to the church. “The Word of God (the Word of the Lord) prospered” appears 3 times in the New Testament, all in the book of Acts. The prosperity of the early church was true, but compared to the vast unbelieving masses, they were just sparks. “Prosper the Gospel (Gospel Prosper)” occurs three times, all in Philippians. Every so-called great revival in the history of the church is nothing more than the result of compromising the truth and merging with the secular compromise. The Lord Jesus clearly stated in the Bible that the kingdom of heaven is a narrow gate, the road to eternal life is a narrow road, few people find it, and the situation of the church is deteriorating. The Bible clearly mentions that there will be a false Christ and a false king of peace in the last days, they’ll bring a fake revival. This is the result of the efforts of pagans and heretics such as the Charismatics to promote it. The method they use is the so-called “great unity”. , Unite all denominations, paganism, heresy, secular forces, political forces, etc., to build the Tower of Babel which is adulterous in spirit.

    30. Church Unity

    Charismatics developed simultaneously with the Universal Unity Movement. Universal unity comes from the Antichrist. God’s requirement of the Christian church is to be sanctified in this wicked world.

    2 Corinthians 6:14-16 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?

    The church has been united in the truth and body of the Lord Jesus Christ since its birth, and “there is only one body”. All Christians who have “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God” must also “(share) one spirit, (join) one body, (share) one hope”, and what they have to do is to ” Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (to keep what has been given, not to add to it yourself): all things are humble, gentle, long-suffering, bearing with one another in love, bonded together in peace.” The enemy lied that there are various denominations in Christianity, that they are fragmented and scattered, that they cannot testify and manifest the glory of God, and encourage the church to be united. All actions that accuse the church of being inconsistent and attempt to unite the church by man-made means must come from Satan the devil. The purpose of course is to defile the holy church and the people of God with evil spirits.

    If you want people who believe in anything to unite together, you must have a spirit that everyone can accept, and only when you share this spirit can you unite together. God firmly forbids His people to unite with those who do not believe in the same God. Catholicism worships a lot of idols. The new orthodox theology is completely unbelievers. The Local Churches (The Shouters召會,呼喊派) believe in the shouting evil spirits (charismatics evil spirits). The God that Cho Yongji(趙鏞基) believes in is a financial advisor. The spirit that Chen Zhonghui(陳仲輝) worships is an acrobatic trick. The spirit who worshiped Zhou Shenzhu(周神助) is the godfather of gangsters who can eat both red and white. The Jesus that Kou Shaoen(寇紹恩) believes in is a social butterfly who See people talk about people see ghosts talk nonsense. The Jesus that Jiang Xiuqin(江秀琴) believes in is a lover hiding in a dark room. The Jesus that Liang Qiongyue(梁瓊月) believes in is a witch doctor who sells things in the world. The good friend Jesus of Kang Xi(康希) is a buddy of gangsters. How can these gods and spirits be one with the holy and righteous God that Christians believe in? Charismatics evil spirit, the Gnostic heretical spirit, is not restricted by the revelation of the Bible, and does not need to be tested by the truth of the Bible. It can appear in any form, and can be everything that anyone who does not believe in the Trinity God or the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ believes in, the image of the illusory god. Allowing them to get what they need, each worshiping their own gods to live in peace, as the driving force behind the Great Unity Movement, it is perfect. Charismatics and Universal Unity have the same source, the same purpose, and hit it off, so whether it is the World Council of Churches, Lausanne, Chinese Congress on World Evangelization(華福), the Catholic Great Unity Movement, or The Local Churches’ (Home of Christ Church 召會;基督之家) the  one family of the world, The oneness conferences in Bread of Life Church(靈糧堂) are all of the same nature, they are all the fruits of the charismatic evil spirits, whether they admit it or not, the spirits behind them must be the evil spirits of the charismatic sect, and the methods they play must be Charismatic tricks.

    The spirits worshiped by the charismatics are the evil spirits of falsehood, hypocrisy and vain, the evil spirits of Satan, the devil, and the evil spirits who lie, deceive and kill people. The lies and deceptions of the Charismatics are not limited to the ones listed above, but they will change according to the needs and the times. No matter how they change, the general purpose is to encourage people’s pride, self-righteousness, greed, lust, exalt themselves and worship evil spirits. They all want to use false and illusory spirits to replace the real Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to seduce people to attribute worship, praise and awe to Satan evil spirits, and to captive people’s souls together with the devil to become the roast material for the lake of fire. Although the lies and deceptions of the charismatic evil spirits are so clumsy that unbelievers can tell them to be false and deceitful with normal reason and common sense in life, but as long as people’s hearts are biased towards evil, greed, prostitution, and pride, even just because they want to show off for “God” those who are zealous and eager for quick success are easily deceived and robbed by the evil spirits of the Charismatics. So we see that there are no fewer famous pastors and leaders who are completely robbed by the evil spirits of the Charismatics or used as tools for gunmen than ordinary believers. Scribes, Pharisees, and various heretical cults require people to use the truth of the “whole Bible” to discern the errors of the Charismatics, otherwise they have to keep silent and hide in a corner. This is because they, literate people, bully Christians with low culture. They have read the whole Bible by themselves, not only do not discern, but also make it difficult for those who have not read the Bible, and put the difficult burden on the shoulders of others. They do not believe in the work and power of the Holy Spirit, but believe in the omnipotence of knowledge, theological knowledge is God. Not to mention the few people who have read the Bible in its entirety, there are even fewer people who can understand the entire Bible. Therefore, although they are effective as a cover for charismatics evil spirits, their intentions are sinister. All believers who have the Holy Spirit given by God in their hearts, the Holy Spirit in them will always give them a vigilant and discerning heart in time, and see through the lies and conspiracies against the charismatics evil spirits. Using the truths of the “whole Bible” to deal with charismatics evil spirits is like shooting mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns, which is too flattering to them.

    May Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ use the truth and the Holy Spirit to give people the wisdom of discernment, see through the tricks and deceptions of the charismatics evil spirits, resist the invasion and contamination of evil spirits, return from the way of confusion, and escape from the snare and clutches of the charismatics evil spirits.

    Chinese Version

























































  • The Seven Apostles of the Local Churches and Their Endings

    The Seven Apostles of the Local Churches and Their Endings

    ——The Bad Fruits of Watchman Nee on Ecclesiology

    Young people are more familiar with the Charismatics apostles and prophets walked about all over the world, but they have rarely heard of the seven apostles appointed by the Local Churches(聚會処、小群、地方教會). The spirit that fulled Watchman Nee(倪柝聲) in Yantai in 1935 was an evil spirit of the Charismatics, so various strange appearances of the Charismatics are not uncommon in local Churches. The charismatic spirit is an evil spirit that pretends to be the Lord Jesus, and often sets itself up as God, trying to be equal to or surpass the authority of God the Father and Christ. The evil spirit inspired Watchman Nee to subtly use “the Triune God became flesh” and “Christ is that Spirit”, making his believers think that “that Spirit” is God the Father and the incarnate Christ, and the Triune God is just the same Spirit Different manifestations in different times and occasions. Witness Lee(李常受) picked up Watchman Nee’s mantle, and  proclaimed that Spirit later became Lord-Witness Lee(常受主), and developed the most evil four-in-one-god heresy(父-子-靈-常受主四位一體異端) among Chinese.

    The spirits that water Watchman Nee and Witness Lee are all charismatic evil spirits, and the methods of the evil spirits in them are exactly the same as the charismatic tricks. Watchman Nee’s accusation of denominations for causing the church’s disunity has the same purpose as the charismatics’ evil spirits in advocating Ecumenical Movement. They are both condemning the holy church of the Lord Jesus Christ with unwarranted charges. The church has always been one, she was created by God Himself, the church is one in the truth and the Holy Spirit, and it has been a united body of Christ since the church came into being (John 17:21-23; 1 Corinthians 1: 10-13). “Christians” who don’t realize the unity of the church must be fools, accusing the church of not being united must be a trick of Satan (just as charismatics accuse Christians of being controlled by the evil spirit of orphans and tempting them to admit thief as father. Every Christians with the care of the eternal Heavenly Father, the presence of the resurrected and living elder brother of Christ, the protection and leadership of the indwelling Holy Spirit mentor, and countless brothers and sisters who love each other, they will never be orphans. ) Watchman Nee believed that other denominations belonged to the devil and were evil organizations, and only he restored the church to what it should look like according to God’s will. The purpose of Watchman Nee’s anti-denominationalism is to establish a sect that is not restrained and exempt from inspection according to his own will, because all other sects’ criticisms of him have become the devil’s attack, a cross of glory given to him by God. This deceitful victory method of “the son beats the father” made it impossible for Watchman Nee to wake up and repent through the persuasion and criticism of others.

    Watchman Nee and Witness Lee believed that himself was the ministry of the age, the apostle and prophet specially chosen by God in this age to reveal and restore the truth that had been misunderstood by the church and covered up for thousands of years. This is the same trick as the largest contemporary charismatic false prophet, Rick Joyner, who defined the revelations of the apostle Paul as obsolete and low-level, and defined the revelations he received from nightmares and ghosts as high-level revelations of the times. After they have obtained the authority of the apostles and prophets beyond the recorded Bible, they can interpret, add or delete the Bible at will without being tested. If there is a difference from traditional church interpretations of the Bible, it is that they minister in this way to restore the contribution of God’s truth, so that they will always be truth.

    Regarding the views of the church, Watchman Nee advocated returning to the church life in the apostolic period, following the example of the early church in the Bible, and putting forward the principle of the local church that only one church can exist in a place (Witness Lee’s Local Churches movement, Kou Shiyuan’s (寇世遠,基督之家)The Home of Christ Church’s The world is one family and the whole world is unified is the inheritance and application of the principles of Watchman Nee’s local church), and he also publicly condemned the sins of the sects, which naturally caused the resentment of various sects and groups, criticizing him as spiritual pride and retreat. In fact, this is another form of The great unity, which is to unify the whole world in religion, so the development of the Local Churches is mainly to steal sheep, split and occupy other churches.

    Watchman Nee also advocated the restoration of the biblical concept of priesthood of all believers, condemned the pastor system, believed that paid pastors did not conform to the Bible, advocated all believers to serve as a whole, preached the gospel, prayed, valued the cultivation of believers, and advocated divisional by region family worship gatherings (that is the Local Churches system 聚會処、小群、地方教會、召會、聚會所).

    In the summer vacation of 1922, 19-year-old Watchman Nee(Ni Tuosheng倪柝聲) and 24-year-old naval officer Wang Zai(王載) decided to follow the example of the early church recorded in the “Acts of the Apostles” and started their first Only three people attended the breaking of bread meeting: Wang Zai and his wife and Watchman Nee. By 1948, Watchman Nee replaced the previous “Antioch Church Model” with the “Jerusalem Church Model”, and revised some of his important church concepts. Watchman Nee’s thoughts during this period are mainly found in works such as “Affairs of the Church”, “Orthodoxy of the Church”, “The Road to Work in the Future”, “Authority and Obedience”, “How to Be God’s Representative Authority” and other works. With the emergence of this new model, the Local Churches have two types of churches based on their locations:

    Ordinary Local Churches—this kind of church is basically the same as in the past, and the elders and deacons are in charge of the spiritual and general affairs of the church.

    The Local Churches at the center of the work—in this kind of church there is an extra group of apostles (note: no matter whether it is Catholicism or Protestantism, few people admit that there are still apostles today, and the practice of the Local Churches is exactly the same as that of the charismatic church). Although the apostles could not manage the church, these apostles became the elders of the Local Churches in the capacity of brothers to manage the church. Furthermore, since this place was the center of the work, the provision of the pulpit had to be strengthened, and this responsibility naturally fell on the apostles. Because of this, the Local Churches in the work center will naturally be superior to the ordinary Local Churches, and eventually it will be just like a leading central church.

    In line with the promotion of the Jerusalem model, Watchman Nee further clarified the importance of authority and obedience, thereby strengthening and strengthening the position of the apostles.

    Watchman Nee pointed out that believers must submit to the representatives of authority appointed by God to demonstrate their submission to God. In a local church, the highest authority appointed by God is the elders, but the elders are appointed by the apostles. In other words, the authority of the elders comes from the apostles, and they cannot overthrow the authority of the apostles. In the same way, “The appointment of elders depends on the apostles; the authority to abolish elders also belongs to the apostles.” Elders should learn to obey the authority of the apostles, “because they exist,is the apostles appointed them.”

    Watchman Nee’s “Supplement to Abolishing the Elders” undoubtedly placed the elders under the apostles, and the power of the apostles in the church was concretely strengthened. In order to cope with the change in the nature of the work of the apostles and the increase in workload, Watchman Nee believed that it was necessary to train the apostles, so since May 1948, he established a training center (for training apostles) in Guling, Fuzhou. Churches from all over the world select potential apostles for systematic training to improve the quality of apostles. Watchman Nee began to train canonized apostles long before liberation. Peter Wegener, the contemporary global chief apostle and charismatic leader, did not start to establish the International Coalition of Apostles (ICAL) until 1999 to mass produce apostles and prophets. Watchman Nee was half a century earlier than him.

    In addition, Watchman Nee also launched the “Hand Over” movement in line with the centralized power line in Jerusalem. “Handing over” means selling everything, giving everything up, and offering it to the Lord; “handing over” also includes offering out the believer personally, and “handing over” also includes the church itself, and the church must also hand over so that the apostles can take over the church . This move aroused the resentment of some local churches, and caused many regional churches to split.

    In any case, with the shift of the current situation, Watchman Nee’s view of the church after the Anti-Japanese War was indeed developing towards a centralized system and authoritarianism, which has aroused a lot of criticism. This actually provides a god-making mode. This kind of god-making effect, Watchman Nee’s nephew Pastor Chen Zhongdao(陳終道牧師) once described the relationship between Watchman Nee and the Local Churches in this way, which can be regarded as a model of “charismatic leader” in today’s terms: “When I came back to Foochow in 1948, what disappointed me the most was that I felt that some of them really worshiped God, but there were many who ‘worshiped’ their idols. We can often Hearing ‘Brother Nee said’ instead of God’s word. It seems that ‘Brother Nee said’ is more authoritative than ‘Bible said’. If I were to write all the ‘mythologized’ stories I’ve heard about Brother Nee, this book would instantly become a masterpiece, but thank God I forgot about those stories because it’s ‘nauseous’. …It is easy to hear a lot of stories about my uncle who seems to be deified in the Local Churches. In fact, he was too admired in the past years. God had a good purpose in allowing him to fail like this. “

    After Watchman Nee came back to serve for the third time in 1948, one of the most emphasized messages was “submit to authority”, which was to make the congregation unreservedly believe in the leader, and even “submit to authority” was more important than the truth; he believed that submitting to God’s authority To be a representative is to submit to God, and to resist an authoritative representative is to resist God. Although the church advocates the elders to govern the church, he has the status of an apostle to override the elders. This kind of leader’s praise is intensifying. “A certain clergy class was established among their high ranks, and the ranks of their front and back were indicated by the number of seats in a row of chairs, and the first seat that had no objection was reserved for him (Watchman Nee). This point, On the one hand, it can be seen that it may be their attitude of trust in him, but in fact the slogan of ‘submitting to authority’ has become a great problem for many people in their future work.” (Li Maozheng: “Typical in the Past”, (Taipei: Zhonghua Evangelical Theological Seminary Press), 1989, p. 174.)

    History has proved that Watchman Nee’s view of the church provided a practical and efficient development model for heresies and cults. Later, heresies and cults with serious harm in China, such as the Shouters, Eastern Lightning (Almighty God, Practical God, Power Lord) were established as kings, the Lord God, and the Three Redemptions Churches (Disciple Church, Head Covering Church, Wilderness Church, Two Liang Liang, Three Redeemed Christs), Mainland China Administrative Deacon Station, Load-Changshou Sect, etc. (呼喊派、東方閃電(全能神、實際神、能力主)被立王、 主神教、三贖教【又名門徒會、蒙頭教,曠野教、二兩糧、三贖基督】、中華大陸行政執事站、常受主派等等异端邪教), whether it is doctrine or organizational model, they all follow or imitate Watchman Nee’s church model.

    The “seven great apostles” appointed at the Local Churches are: 1. Watchman Nee 倪柝聲; 2. Wang Peizhen 汪佩真; 3. Zuo Furu 左弗如; 4. Huang Jinqing 黃錦清; 5. Yu Chenghua 俞成華; 6. Zhang Zijie 張子潔; 7. Witness Lee 李常受.

    After Watchman Nee(倪柝聲) sold the church to the Three-Self Church with deceitfully, he died in prison. Never seen his testimony of repentance for the sin of betraying the church to the Golden Calf(三自会), but it is often heard that he sent a letter from prison to confess that he never gave up his faith and even left his last words “I (because of) believe in Christ and die”. (At that time, many saints sent messages saying that they did not fall because they wanted to strengthen the brothers and sisters outside. Mr. Nee’s meaning plead arguments for himself.) Although the National Congress of Gentiles commended Watchman Nee as a Chinese martyr, his various performances still revealed The nature of false apostles. Watchman Nee’s moral failures (such as deceit on the signature issue in the  1950s) and religious compromises (such as joining the Three-Self Church in the 1950s) have proved that Watchman Nee’s teachings did not make him a spiritual person. “The Spiritual Man” is to fool others, but he himself does not follow suit. This is also a warning for us Christian today. Watchman Nee was imprisoned due to Wu Yaozong’s (吳耀宗)accusation. The accusations include: extremely reactionary in politics, tax evasion in economy, private possession of pornographic videos and books in life, and having an affair with two virgin co-workers. (It is said that after investigation it was Wu Yaozong’s frame-up). During the Cultural Revolution, Nee’s wife, Zhang Pinhui(張品蕙), was severely persecuted because she refused to divorce her husband. She was whipped many times and suffered multiple injuries all over her body. In 1969, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, the Law and the Military Management Committee gave her the label of a counter-revolutionary and “handed over to the masses for supervision and reform.” In November 1971, Zhang Pinhui suffered a broken bone at his home at No. 88, Lane 200, Yueyang Road. After being sent to the hospital, no one treated him. On November 7, he died of illness in the corridor of Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital. Watchman Nee and his wife had no children.

    Wang Peizhen(汪佩真), who ranked second among the apostles, was as famous as Li Yuanru(李淵如). Li Yuanru was originally the editor of the Nanjing “Lingguang Newspaper” sponsored by Jia Yuming(賈玉銘), but was poached by Watchman Nee. The prototype of Miss Bu, the supervisor of Jinling Girls’ School in Chapter 9 of “Queen of the Dark Chamber” which witnessed by Christiana Tsai(蔡蘇娟) is Li Yuanru. Wang Peizhen’s parents are non-Christians. She was five years younger than Li Yuanru and four years older than Watchman Nee. Wang Peizhen was recommended by Mrs. Sweet(甘惠泉師母) of the American Baptist Missionary Society. When she was studying in Hongdao Girls’ High School, a church school in Hangzhou, she believed in Jesus because of the preaching of Dr. Shi Meiyu(石美玉醫師), a female evangelist. In 1918, he was inspired by the revival meeting led by Dora Yu(余慈度), determined to dedicate himself to celibacy and preach the gospel, and changed his name to Peizhen. Regardless of her parents’ opposition, she insisted on break off an engagement and ran away from home to Nanjing to study at Bible Teachers’ Training School for Women.

    Wang Peizhen met Li Yuanru(李淵如) and Wang Zai (王載)during his stay in Nanjing. After graduating from Bible Teachers’ Training School for Women in 1921, she began to preach in various provinces of China. Her preaching was powerful and popular, and she was called the Spurgeon of China. In 1925, she went to Yantai to preach the gospel, and Witness Lee(李常受) was inspired to dedicate herself to preaching.

    On January 29, 1956, during the Sufan Movement (肅反運動), she was arrested in Shanghai together with Li Yuanru, Zhang Yuzhi(張愚之), Lan Zhiyi(藍志一), and others, and was labeled as the “Watchman Nee Counter-Revolutionary Group”(倪柝聲反革命集團). He was imprisoned in Tilanqiao Prison and died in Qingpu Labor Camp during the Cultural Revolution.

    In the appendix of Wang Chunyi’s (汪純懿)”How Wonderful”(《何等奇妙》), there are witnesses of the last scenes of Wang Peizhen and Li Yuanru’s lives. Li Yuanru declared that he did not believe in Christ in Shanghai Prison in 1962, and advised Wang Peizhen not to believe it either.

    In 1965, Li Yuanru broadcast her reasons for not believing in Christianity to the whole prison in the auditorium, and later she told the inmates in the women’s prison once again. Wang Peizhen seldom spoke, but he repeatedly said openly: “God does not answer prayers, there is no God.” An overall criticism of the Local Churches was summed up by Wang Peizhen herself in prison: “They criticize the denominations and call believers to leave the denominations, but they gradually form a denomination that is more serious than other denominations”. although she Because no longer believe in the Lord, the expression is inaccurate, but the general meaning has reached the point. In 1965, Li Yuanru thought that she would be released early, so she tried her best to get released through meritorious service, but in fact she never release until died.

    After serving her sentence, Wang Peizhen was sent to Qingpu Farm in Shanghai, where she suffered from an incurable disease and died of it.

    Wang Peizhen was one of the seven great apostles appointed by the Local Churches, and ranked second, second only to Watchman Nee.

    Wang Peizhen(汪佩真) once declared: “I want to be a person well-known before Satan, just like Paul (see Acts 19:15). I want Satan to know that I, Wang Pei, really only want the Lord! For the Lord, On the path of service, I won’t be afraid even if the sky falls.” This is exactly the same as the declaration of charismatic believers, they all want to gain their name before Satan, and in essence such declarations are manifestations of not believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, They want to use Satan’s promotion of them to threaten God to give them the reward and glory they deserve.

    The fruit of faith of Wang Peizhen and Li Yuanru(汪佩真、李淵如) two women is a living testimony of ““Hebrews” 6:4-6: 4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, 6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. kjv】”. These two women later never believed in Christ until their death, and their previous spiritual performance was nothing but false faith. Because they pretended to be real, they were not easy to see through, so that they were honored as the female Spurgeon in China, so God had to use the iron fist of the Atheist Party machine to test out their falsehood. Facts have proved that Wang Peizhen is nothing but a false apostle.

    What Christians should pursue is to be remembered by the Lord Jesus and God the Father, to be praised and rewarded by God, and there is nothing wrong with Satan. The pursuit of Watchman Nee and Wang Peizhen to be famous, promoted by Satan, and praised by Satan is to worship Satan the devil, to seduce people to worship Satan and the devil, and to prove that they are under the dominion of Satan. Nothing to do with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Zuo Furu(左弗如) is the founder of Guilin Local Church. When she was young, the Lord led her to follow with signs and wonders. After receiving grace, she loved the Lord very much, and since she was young, she decided to remain a virgin and serve the Lord wholeheartedly. From 1948 to the early 1950s, Zuo Furu was the person in charge of the “Deacon’s House” in Guling, Fuzhou. During the land reform movement, she was persecuted because of the signature issue.

    In 1956, due to the influence of Watchman Nee’s “How I Turned Around”, Zuo Furu announced that he stood on the “people’s standpoint” and was in charge of the reorganized Shanghai local church together with Tang Shoulin(唐守臨) and Ren Zhongxiang(任鐘祥). In May 1956, at the Second Shanghai Christian Representative Conference, he was elected vice-chairman of the Shanghai Three-Self (Luo Guanzong(羅冠宗) was elected chairman), and was re-elected at the Third Shanghai Christian Representative Conference in April 1961. Zuo Furu told the brothers and sisters about the process of her thought transformation, and later this article was published in the first issue (1956) of the “Newsletter” of the “Believers Study Committee”, entitled “God Shows His Power in Our Weaknesses”. For Zuo Furu’s positive performance after joining the Three-Self, you can refer to “The Memoirs of Zhang Xikang—Review of the Local Church in Shanghai in the Past Sixty Years——Chapter 19: The Situation of the Shanghai Christian Meeting House After the Anti-revolutionary Movement.”(《張錫康回憶錄—上海地方教會六十年來的回顧—-第十九章 上海基督徒聚會處經過肅反運動的情形》)

    Zuo Furu died of cancer in 1979. When he was dying, she said a word: “I regret it. I have led my brothers and sisters on the wrong path.” Judas, who betrayed Jesus, regretted seeing that Jesus had been condemned.

    Huang Jinqing(黃錦清) used to be one of the persons in charge of the Guling Apostle Training Center, but he disappeared afterwards.

    Yu Chenghua(俞成華) was an elder of the Shanghai  Local Church from 1936 to 1956 and one of Watchman Nee’s important co-workers. He was martyred for his faith in the political turmoil of the 1950s. Yu Chenghua was born in a Christian family in Xinchang County, Zhejiang Province on January 5, 1901 (November 15th in the lunar calendar in the 26th year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty). His father, Yu Fengquan (俞封泉also known as 又名俞和全), was a local blacksmith. He is a Christian with a firm faith and has withstood the test of the Boxer Incident in 1900. In 1927, Yu Chenghua graduated from Shanghai St. John’s University School of Medicine, which is known for its high level of English. After graduation, Yu Chenghua worked as an ophthalmologist and served on the side. In 1933, Yu Chenghua went to Changsha, Hunan, where he worked as the director of ophthalmology at Xiangya Hospital. In 1936, at the request of Watchman Nee, Yu Chenghua gave up his high-paying position in Xiangya Hospital (a monthly salary of 175 yuan) and returned to Shanghai to lead the church. During his stay in Shanghai, Yu Chenghua successively translated “Simple Prayer Method” and “Scented Myrrh” (a biography of Mrs. Guyon 蓋恩夫人傳記, introducing this idol of idol worship to Local Churches and even Chinese churches.)and “With God” (Lawrence 勞倫斯) and other foreign spiritual masterpieces belong to the school of inner life or mysticism, published by Shanghai Gospel Book Room. Rise up in the church to seek the air of inner life. In 1946, after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, he and Wang Peizhen resumed church gatherings in Shanghai.

    In the early 1950s, Yu Chenghua succeeded Ni Tuosheng in Fuzhou and was in charge of the later work of the Guling training. During the land reform movement in March 1951, he was detained due to the signature issue. On January 29, 1956, more than a dozen leaders of the Shanghai Church, including Yu Chenghua, were detained in the Nanyang Road Local Church for isolation and examination, and were asked to explain the problem of Watchman Nee. He always refused to accuse anyone, for the sake of peace of mind. After 20 days, he was sent to Tilanqiao Prison for detention and review. Due to being interrogated day and night and lack of sleep, Yu Chenghua’s physical condition deteriorated rapidly and he fell into a coma three times. He was released on medical parole on April 12 and died in Shanghai Hongren Hospital on April 13. (Yu Chenghua witnessed “Life in the Holy of Holies – Anecdotes of Yu Chenghua” 俞成華見證《至聖所內生活――俞成華軼事》)

    Yu Chongen(俞崇恩), the son of Yu Chenghua, made a deep reflection on the spiritual pride of the Local Churches during his experience of the fiery trial movement of church in China: “I admit that the church in our background was very proud in the past, and I am afraid that it is within the scope of all churches in China. , can be said to be the most proud. The main reason is that there is a co-worker who guides us, (Referring to Watchman Nee ), he is really a brother who is extremely smart, has a good memory, is well-versed in spiritual classics, and has perfect eloquence and knowledge….So when After many years of reformation, after I came out of the farm, I no longer dare to classify (see 1 Corinthians 3:1; Titus 3:10) and look at people differently. We are all children of God, and we all come to serve the Lord with one heart .”

    Zhang Zijie(張子潔), an elder of the Local Church in Qingdao. In January 1935, Zhang Zijie was sent by Watchman Nee to  Qingdao, establish a Local Church in Qingdao.

    In 1948, Zhang Zijie participated in the co-worker elder training organized by Watchman Nee in Guling, Fujian. After returning to Qingdao, starting from the Spring Festival in 1949, Zhang Zijie led the whole church in Qingdao to preach the gospel, and the number of believers quickly increased from more than 300 to 4,000. In addition to the hall at No. 4 Longshan Road, there were also 20 home meetings. In 1950, the Qingdao church became the central church in Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Xinjiang work areas, and Zhang Zijie visited various places as an apostle.

    In March 1951, Zhang Zijie invited Gu Renen, a free evangelist from Shanghai, to Qingdao to preach at the meeting place at No. 4 Longshan Road. Gu Renen was arrested for “spreading reactionary speeches” and “expelling diseases and exorcising ghosts”. In the same year, during the land reform movement, more than 1,500 believers from the Qingdao church signed a letter to Chairman Mao Zedong and the Fujian Provincial People’s Government, requesting to retain the land of the “Deacon’s House” in Guling, Fuzhou. In June, the Qingdao Church participated in the preparatory committee for the Qingdao Christian “Three-Self” Movement. At the end of the year, Zhang Zijie and Zhang Shiping were arrested for “counter-revolutionary crimes”. The number of congregations in the Qingdao church dropped sharply. Zhang Tianren continued to be in charge of the Qingdao church. After withdrawing from the “Three-Self” twice, he finally publicly admitted his mistakes because of “the help of patriotic believers” and “the inspiration of the government”, and joined the organization for the third time. In the autumn of 1956, Elder Zhang Tianren(張天人) of the Qingdao Church was elected as the deputy director of the Qingdao Christian “Three-Self” Patriotic Movement Committee at the Second Qingdao Christian Representative Conference.

    In 1958, Qingdao Christianity implemented joint worship, and Longshan Road Meeting House became one of the 10 Christian joint meeting places in the city, and other meeting places of Qingdao Church were withdrawn and merged. In 1965, the meetings at the meeting hall on Longshan Road ceased, and the building was used by the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao Medical College. After the end of the Cultural Revolution, on March 19, 1981, the third representative conference of Christianity in Shandong Province was held, and Zhang Tianren was elected as the vice-chairman of the first committee of the Shandong Provincial Christian Association. On May 26 of the same year, Qingdao Christianity held the fourth representative meeting, and Zhang Tianren was elected as the deputy director of the Qingdao Christian Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee and the president of the newly established Qingdao Christian Association. In 1984, the Qingdao Local Church resumed its activities.

    When Witness Lee(李常受) was nineteen years old in April 1925, Witness Li accepted the gospel and devoted his life,because listening to Wang Peizhen’s(汪佩真) preaching of “Exodus” to break away from Pharaoh’s rule. Witness Lee was baptized with some water in the Chinese Independence Church(中華自立會), but left soon after. About 1927, Witness Lee began to attend the meetings of the Brethren Association. For the next 7 years, Witness Lee met in the local Open Brethren Association (Newtonian 牛頓派 ), learning to use allegorical methods to study prophecies and He read the Bible diligently, and at the same time subscribed to The Christian Newspaper published by Watchman Nee, a young Christian in Fujian. He began to accept Watchman Nee’s views, and in 1930 he was baptized in the sea by the Brethren missionary Bernard(布納德). Later, he received the attention of Watchman Nee and inherited Watchman Nees mantle.

    In 1931 Witness Lee was filled with evil spirits who received shouting evil. Witness Lee was a submissive person with few opinions. Working with Brother Nee in Shanghai, he was often asked by Brother Nee: Witness, what is your opinion? Witness Lee said, “I have no opinion. I will go wherever you tell me to go!” Witness Lee never expresses an opinion, but he does what he should do. Under Watchman Nee, the manifestation of this shouting evil spirit was not obvious. In the 1960s, when Witness Lee was preaching “The Lord’s Restoration” and “Calling on the Name of the Lord” in the United States, this evil spirit broke out, showing obvious characteristics of the Shouters, and spread to China, becoming a cult and heresy with great harm incubator. Witness Li also naturally became the fourth person of the Four One God(四位一體), the “Chang Shou Lord”(常受主), and the Shouters who shouted the name of the Lord also became “Calling the Chang Shou Lord”.

    On February 20, 1994, at the Chinese New Year Conference, the 89-year-old Witness Lee once again saw the “peak of divine revelation” in the Bible: “God became man in order to make man God in life and nature.(Not in the Godhead) ”  Exposing his heresy thinking to the naked eye: Satan’s ultimate goal is to sit on the throne of God and call himself God. The weird heresies spread by Witness Lee include: Christ was created, and the flesh of Christ has the nature of Satan; Christ is the Father also is the Spirit; Christ will not come again, only Witness Lee is the”Chang Shou Lord”(常受主) who saves the world, we must worship and praise the “Chang Shou Lord”(常受主); “The age of Word has passed”, Now is “the age of the Spirit”; there is no heavenly family, the heavenly family is the church; the Bible is obsolete; ‘the Lord is the Spirit’, ‘you shout, and the Spirit comes’. etc. At present, all factions basically recognize Witness Lee as a heretic, and anyone who does not think Witness Lee is a heretic must be a heretic himself.

    【Editor’s Note: The calling, calling on the name of the Lord, and calling on the name of CHANGSHOUZHU the Lord(常受主), which are unique to the Witness Lee’s Shouters sect, are the same hypnotism(催眠術) as the most important feature of the sect—Pray-Reading the Word(禱讀). it’s for the familiar spirit(交鬼).

    The purpose of shouting is to give up the ability of reason and will to distinguish, to make people tired and confused, to achieve a hypnotic effect, and to facilitate consulter with familiar spirits(交鬼通靈).

    “Shout on the name of Lord”, “Call on the name of Lord CHANGSHOUZHU(常受主)”, in addition to intentionally violating the third commandment, treating the names of the only true God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the truth Holy Spirit, which names of glory, honor, holiness, majesty, richness, mystery, as ordinary names that are empty, ordinary, and meaningless tease and shouting casually; it is also a kind of hypnosis, which is similar to the charismatics or New Era heresy and evil spirits, speaking in tongues cannot stop or screaming, crying aloud, raved, laughing foolishly and laughing until they die, so as to obtain the anointing ability of releasing and different “spirits” It’s the same ghost trick. They all want people to quickly suffer from brain hypoxia, fatigue and drowsiness, to achieve the effect of sanity decline, blank consciousness, and loss of ability to distinguish and resist, so as to achieve the purpose of evil spirits and demon possession.

    “Pray-Reading the Word is hypnotism”



    The seven great apostles appointed by the Local Churches at are all false teachers, which proves that this church system is also heresy, not an ordinary Christian church, but one that worships, believes and spreads false gods and evil spirits.

    Please refer Chinese Version請參考中文版:



















  • 聚會處七大使徒及其結局





    倪柝聲李常受認為自己是時代的職事,是神在這時代特別揀選用來揭示恢復被教會誤解、掩蓋數千年真理的使徒先知。這與當代最大的靈恩派先知雷克約拿把使徒保羅的啟示定為過時的、低級的,把他自己做噩 夢和交鬼得到的啟示定為時代性高級的啟示是同樣的詭計。他們得到這樣超越記載聖經的使徒先知權柄後,就可以任意解釋、添加或刪改聖經而不需要被檢驗。如果有和傳統教會對聖經解釋不同的地方,就是他們這樣職事恢復神的真理的貢獻,從而他們永遠是真理。



    1922年暑假,初出道19歲的倪柝聲和24歲的海軍軍官王載決定跟隨《使徒行傳》上記載的初期教會的榜樣,在福州倉山毓英女校王載的臨時住所,開始第一次擘餅聚會,只有3人參加:王載夫婦和倪柝聲。到1948年, 倪柝聲以“耶路撒冷教會模式”取替過去的“安提阿教會模式”,並且對他的若干重要教會觀念作了修定。倪柝聲這個時期的思想主要見於《教會的事務》、《教會的正統》、《今後工作的路》、《權柄與順服》、《如何作神代表的權柄》等著作中。因著這種新模式的出現,地方教會便因著其所在地之不同,產生了兩種教會之分別:


    工作中心的地方教會—— 在這種教會中多了一班使徒(注:無論是天主教或是基督新教,很少有人承認今天還有使徒存在,聚會處的做法與靈恩派教會如出一轍)。雖然使徒不能管理教會,但這班使徒卻以弟兄資格成為當地教會的長老,從而治理教會。再者,由於此地為工作中心,必須加強講臺的供應,而這個責任自然落在使徒身上。正因為這樣,工作中心的地方教會自然會比普通的地方教會優越,最終儼如一領導的中央教會了。








    歷史證明倪柝聲的教會觀為異端邪教提供了一個實用高效的發展模式,後來國內危害嚴重的異端邪教例如呼喊派、東方閃電(全能神、實際神、能力主)被立王、 主神教、三贖教(門徒會、蒙頭教,曠野教、二兩糧、三贖基督)、中華大陸行政執事站、常受主派等等,無論是教義還是組織模式都是沿用或者效仿倪柝聲的教會模式。 





    1924年汪家自杭州遷避上海,汪佩真在父母住處附近的新閘路賡慶裡租屋居住。約在1926年,汪佩真接受地方教會的道路,1927年3月, 南京事件發生,靈光報社被砸,李淵如從南京避居上海,與其同住,在其賡慶裡住處開始上海地方教會最早的聚集。在上海教會建立以後,她負責姊妹工作和青年學生的福音工作,不再上講臺講道。許多人見證,她在屬靈的事上達到相當的高度。既有慈愛的心,總是親切、謙卑,幫助過無數在屬靈和物質上有需要的人;同時也有敏銳的鑒別力、和坦率的性格。

    1942年底,上海教會起了風波,批評倪柝聲經營中國生化製藥廠,並且據說倪柝聲在期間做了昧良心的事,以致生化藥廠變成了“生話藥廠”,倪柝聲採取一貫的作風,不為自己表白什麼。上海教會的長老同工要求倪柝聲停止職事。在這期間,汪佩真獨自一人堅定站住,抵擋所有對倪柝聲的誤會與攻擊。上海教會的長老們(張愚之、 俞成華、唐守臨、江守道等人)將倪柝聲革除出上海教會,李淵如也退出侍奉,到蘇州隱居。不久由於日軍的干涉,上海教會停止聚會。1946年,戰爭結束之後,汪佩真和俞成華努力恢復上海教會的聚會,並從青島邀請李常受來上海、南京一同作工,帶進復興。1948年初,汪佩真和李常受到倪柝聲的家鄉福州,在恢復倪柝聲的職事的過程中起重要作用。





    在汪純懿的《何等奇妙》之附篇裡,有見證汪佩真、李淵如生命最後的光景。李淵如1962年在上海監獄就宣告自己不信基督,並勸汪佩真也別信了。 (https://giveglorytogod595267309.wordpress.com/2019/06/11/%e6%b1%aa%e7%ba%af%e6%87%bf/ )(參看下圖)

    1965年李淵如在大禮堂向全監獄廣播她不信基督的理由,後來又有一次專門講給女監的犯人聽。汪佩真則說話很少,但卻一而再再而三地公開說:“神不聽禱告,神是沒有的”。 對聚會處的一個整體性批判,是汪佩真自己在監獄裡總結出來的:“他們批評宗派的不對,呼召信徒脫離宗派,哪知他們逐漸形成比別的宗派還要嚴重的宗派”。雖然她因為不再信主,表達不準確,但大致意思已經說到點上去了。1965年李淵如就認為自己會被提前釋放,所以愈加竭力想要立功得釋放,但事實上到死都沒有,結局很淒慘,病到糊塗不清時甚至玩弄自己的大便。



    汪佩真、李淵如兩個女人的信仰果子為“《希伯來書》6:4-6論到那些已經蒙了光照、嘗過天恩的滋味、又於聖靈有分、並嘗過 神善道的滋味、覺悟來世權能的人,若是離棄道理,就不能叫他們從新懊悔了。”做了活見證。這兩個女人都是至死沒有再信基督,從前的屬靈表現不過是假信。因為裝的像裝的真,不容易被識破,以至於得到中國的女司布真名譽,所以神不得不用無神黨機器的鐵腕來試驗出她們的假來。事實證明汪佩真不過是假使徒而已。


    1956年1月29日,李淵如、汪佩真、張愚之、藍志一等作為“倪柝聲反革命集團首惡份子”被逮捕,左弗如因受倪柝聲的《我是怎樣轉過來的》影響,宣佈站到“人民立場”上,並在改組後的上海地方教會中,和唐守臨、任鐘祥一同負責。1956年5月在上海市基督教第二屆代表會議上,當選為上海市三自副主席(羅冠宗當選為主席),在1961年4月的上海市基督教第三屆代表會議上再次當選。左弗如將她思想轉變的過程講給弟兄姊妹聽,以後這篇話刊登在“信徒學習委員會”《通訊》第一期內(1956年),題目是《神在我們軟弱上顯明了祂的大能》。左弗如加入三自後的積極表現可以參考《張錫康回憶錄—上海地方教會六十年來的回顧—-第十九章 上海基督徒聚會處經過肅反運動的情形》。



    俞成華1936年-1956年間上海教會的長老,倪柝聲的重要同工之一,在1950年代的政治風暴中因信仰殉道。俞成華1901年1月5日(清光緒二十六年農曆十一月十五日),俞成華出生在浙江省新昌縣的基督徒家庭,父親俞封泉(又名俞和全)是當地一名鐵匠,是一名信仰堅定的基督徒,經受過1900年義和團事變的考驗。1927年,俞成華畢業于上海聖約翰大學醫學院,這所學校以英語水準高著稱。畢業後,俞成華一面作眼科醫生,一面帶職事奉。1933年,俞成華前往湖南長沙,在湘雅醫院擔任眼科主任。1936年,應倪柝聲的要求,俞成華放棄在湘雅醫院的高薪職位(月薪175元),回到上海帶領教會。在上海期間,俞成華陸續翻譯了《簡易祈禱法》、《馨香的沒藥》(蓋恩夫人傳記,為地方教會甚至全國教會引進了這個拜偶像的偶像。https://servantmoses.wordpress.com/2018/12/25/%e5%8d%8e%e7%90%86%e5%85%8b%e6%8e%a8%e8%8d%90%e7%9a%84%e5%b1%9e%e7%81%b5%e6%a6%9c%e6%a0%b7/ )和《與神同在》(勞倫斯)等國外屬靈名著,都屬於內裡生命派或奧秘派,由上海福音書房出版。在教會裡興起追求內裡生命的空氣。 1946年,抗戰結束之後,他和汪佩真恢復上海教會的聚會。





























  • 禱讀就是催眠術



    催眠術是數千年來一直流行的一種巫術,目的就是要達到突破靈界邊界,實現與靈界的邪靈污鬼交通,近二百年來被冠以科學名義,以心理學和心理治療醫學、冥想休閒的嶄新面目冠冕堂皇地登上大雅之堂和教會會堂。不管穿上什麼馬甲,催眠術都是聖經中嚴厲禁止的巫術之一——“迷術”(申命記 18:11)。通常由引導者或者自己在言語、聲音、動作、環境、眼神等的暗示引導下放棄正常的理智判斷意識,進入神志昏迷的恍惚狀態,或稱為變異意識狀態,從而達到觀相、冥想、幻視、幻聽的非正常意識狀態,即交鬼狀態,通上邪靈,讓邪靈控制自己的思想、意識、感覺和身體。催眠術的目的是要人放棄理智、判斷、思考、知識,任由引導者帶進的邪靈擺佈。理智、判斷、思考、知識在消極方面一定程度上會使人驕傲,攔阻人認識神,同時積極方面則是神攔阻人們任意與靈界溝通的保護措施,是人們能夠抵擋魔鬼的有效手段,可以把人們的思想意識和身體限制在安全範圍內,免遭邪靈污鬼欺騙欺淩。勾引人交鬼通靈的催眠師和靈恩派巫女法師則必須讓人們主動放棄這層防禦,好使邪靈污鬼能暢行無阻。當神要人突破理性知識的障礙去認識神的時候,往往會主動賜下信心擊破理性的堅固營壘,用屬靈的知識打敗理性的知識,絕不會用催眠、冥想、默觀等交鬼術來幫助擊破理性的屏障。任何催眠的屬靈藉口都是魔鬼的謊言。催眠術除了採用比較隱蔽的暗示,還會主動積極使人進入疲勞狀態而不得不放棄理智判斷思考,例如快速反復重複不停地喊“哈利路亞”“噠噠噠”很快就會使大腦缺氧顯出疲勞從而頭暈眼花(看見鑽石金子)、意識遲鈍;快速大幅度地搖頭晃腦放肆大笑哭喊打滾也是為了讓人眩暈,找不著北,就被催眠者和邪靈牽著鼻子走了。另外催眠者也會用暴力言語不斷攻擊被催眠者,使其放棄自己的理智判斷,被催眠者引導,例如遠志明、大衛鮑森演講中大量使用“你不知道”“你沒想過”“你錯了”“你不懂”“你不能”“你完了”等暴力攻擊語言就是催眠術的運用,為要使聽眾放棄理智防禦,乖乖跟著他們的演講思想走。
















  • What Watchman Nee Contributed to the Church in China

    What Watchman Nee Contributed to the Church in China

    The most common argument used by Watchman Nee’s fans to defend Watchman Nee is: “You may dislike Watchman Nee(倪柝聲), but you cannot deny Watchman Nee’s contribution to the Chinese church.” This pragmatic argument is another expression of the devil’s tricks to tempt the Lord Jesus: Whoever can turn stones into bread and fill you up is your heavenly father…. Charismatics are pagans who worship evil spirits, and it is within reasonable to accept this demonic logic. All those who accept this kind of evil spirits will inevitably become extremely foolish in the truth of God (Romans 1:21 They became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.  Professing to be wise, they became fools), and even cannot discern Basic facts and common sense, and they don’t bother to tell whether it’s poisonous milk or the sincere milk of the word. They don’t know in the judgment, their sycophantic words will be used as evidence of the wolf-headed idol they worship. The greater the “contribution” of these wolves, the more people they seduce to hell, the greater their crime.

    The anti-intellectual and anti-theological traditions  dominant in Chinese church; the tradition of 2,000-year-old church doctrine and ordinance is anti-Christ; bypassing the 2,000-year-old church tradition and directly knocking on the door of Jesus; believing in Christ, not being a Christian; a man is not justified by the faith of Christ, but eat and drink Jesus and eat the bread that came down from heaven; God destroy the previous world because angels rebelled against God were judged, and then recreated this world; and so on many mainstream thinking is Watchman Nee’s poisonous legacy. Let’s take a look at Watchman Nee’s contribution to the church in China.

    After Watchman Nee published “How I Turned Around”, he surrendered to the Golden Calf Religion and became one of his own. Therefore, protecting Watchman Nee and drawing a clear line between Watchman Nee and Witness Lee(李常受) who fled overseas with impunity became the responsibility of the Golden Calf Religion(三自會). So the China Three-Self Patriotic Church(CCC/TSPM) released a version in which Witness Lee betrayed Watchman Nee and defected to Taiwan. Actually think about it with your toes and you know it’s a lie. As Watchman Nee’s most trusted confidant, Witness Lee was sent by Watchman Nee to Taiwan in March 1949 to preserve the remnants In order to prevent the situation changes and catched all in one draft. Watchman Nee chose Witness Lee as his second in command because he liked Witness Lee’s loyalty and obedience.  At the beginning of 1950, Watchman Nee went to Hong Kong to lead worship, summoned Witness Lee from Taiwan to Hong Kong, and entrusted the Local Church(聚會処、小群、地方教會、召會、集會所) in Hong Kong to Witness Lee care of. At this fellowship meeting, Watchman Nee made a “Declaration” in front of the elders of the Local Church in Hong Kong. Nee said, “Brother Witness Lee is here, please forgive me for saying this: an attack on him is an attack on me. Brother Witness Lee’s wrong, and I was wrong. Many people gave us easy shallow criticism, but in the end they didn’t even lift one of little finger.” In fact, Witness Lee was indeed the most faithful inheritor and practitioner of Watchman Nee’s weird theological thought. Those who say that Watchman Nee is orthodox and Witness Lee heresy are either hypocrites  who have no respect for Watchman Nee at all, or they are just fools like paste bugs, follow the crowd as parrot, who don’t bother to investigate the facts. Witness Li also expressed dejectedly that the same point of view, when Watchman Nee said it, everyone supported it, but Witness Li said it same became a heresy. It shows that people are still worshiping God- Nee, but they often make light of him the  youngster rising star. Witness Li did not accept this, and once pointed out that the people who criticized him Witness Lee, also criticized Watchman Nee incidentally, but because these critics were hypocritical, cowardly and nasty, they only dared to disrespect Witness Li, not Dare to fangs at senior Watchman Nee.

    Watchman Nee’s choice of Witness Lee was also a very smart decision, because Witness Lee was much more straightforward than Watchman Nee. In the same sense, Watchman Nee only said a few points, gave a little hint, and didn’t explain it clearly, so people couldn’t catch his braids. However, Witness Lee foolishly expressed Watchman Nee’s meaning without compromise, so the one who was beaten was always Witness Lee, and Watchman Nee was always the good guy. From Witness Lee’s church’s collection and compilation of Watchman Nee’s speeches into books, and the contribution of making Watchman Nee’s thoughts immortal, we can see how wise Watchman Nee was in choosing Witness Lee. Others could never be so faithful, nor have such insights and talents.

    In 1975, Witness Lee said: “I was bound on the mainland and I was not free. I once said: ‘The flesh that Jesus Christ crucified on the cross is sinful.’ Some people would not allow me to say it. This bondage, do not allow me to say this. I am now free from this bondage, I am no longer bound by this bondage, and no one binds me. So I am free to tell my brothers and sisters that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross The flesh is sinful.” [Yang Anxi’s “The Hand of God in China No. 3” 楊安溪《神的手在中國》第三部分] This statement that Christ is sinful is one of the most important evidences for everyone to accuse Witness Lee of being a heretic. Evil spirits want to steal the glory of Christ and people’s worship of Christ, but evil spirits also know that Christians generally like Jesus Christ, so they must first discredit Christ, saying that Jesus has the sin of the flesh, and then lure people to worship  The evil spirit that no body wholeheartedly.  This is the reason why the Local Churches discredits Christ, saying that Christ was sinful. If Witness Li’s words are true, then Watchman Nee is clearly cultivating heresy on purpose, but Watchman Nee has more mind than the Shandong strongman, and such obvious heresy remarks cannot be made, otherwise there will failing in an instant.

    Watchman Nee’s heresy doctrine was concentrated in the distortion of Christology and Trinity Theory. Watchman Nee believed that Christ was the first created being, the firstborn of all things. But if Christ is a created being, then worshiping the created Christ becomes idolatry. In order to resolve this contradiction, Watchman Nee invented the incarnation of the entire Triune God as Christ, and then Christ died and raised up from the dead as the Holy Spirit. This is Watchman Nee’s  one-God trinitas Theology. In this way, now there is no God the Father, no Christ, only the “Holy Spirit” is left, and the “Holy Spirit” has become the most practical, real, unique, and eternal form of existence of the Triune God at present, so worshiping this “Holy Spirit” is To worship God the Father is to worship Christ. This “Holy Spirit” is a pure spirit, without a physical body, not a creature, but God the Father and God the Son Christ (not Jesus in the flesh), thus avoiding the danger of idolatry. At the same time, Christians who receive the life of Christ given by the Holy Spirit through faith become little Christs and Gods. From this we can see that Watchman Nee’s theological and church thoughts are another gospel that is against God, a false gospel, a paganism that worships spirits (evil spirits, devils), and has the same nature and origin as the charismatics that worship evil spirits. The same routine and purpose as all pagan religions: first create or find an empty and false thing to replace the true god, and then find out that I can create gods myself, so why worship that god, you might as well just worship myself. Witness Lee faithfully inherited Watchman Nee’s theological thought and practiced it in himself: Because of receiving the life of Christ given by the Spirit, he became Christ and became the Lord God. To call on Lord-Witness-Lee(常受主) is to call on the name of the Lord. It can be seen from this that what Watchman Nee invented was a set of efficient and practical shortcuts for creating damnable heresies and god-making systems. Watchman Nee’s view of the “kingdom” makes this system of godmaking extraordinarily practical. It can not only create gods, but also create emperors, and reign with Christ in the kingdom of Christ on earth. The greatest wish of blessing in this life and eternal life can be realized in this system. This system is so effective and practical that almost all heresies and cults that have emerged in China in the past century have directly or indirectly come from the Local Churches system of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. This is the contribution of Watchman Nee to the church in China. Because almost all the celebrities in the Chinese church are still supporting Watchman Nee, so the poisonous legacy of Watchman Nee will remain extremely harmful for a long time to come.

    In 1935, Watchman Nee, who was physically and mentally exhausted by the marriage turmoil, went to Yantai, Witness Lee’s hometown, to recuperate. During the charismatic worship in Yantai, Watchman Nee was filled with the evil spirits of the charismatic sect and was restored. Since then, he has brought the evil spirits of the charismatic sect into the Local Churches, and received strong support from the China Inland Mission(CIM&OMF), so Watchman Nee’s Local Churches system is actually the origin of the massive development of the indigenization of charismatic heresy. We can see that the Charismatics were able to flourish in China and quickly became popular. The strength of the Local Churches system and its derivative sects is an important success factor. It can be seen that the spirit in Watchman Nee is exactly the same as the evil spirit of the Charismatic heresy. Charismatic heresy have also learned a lot from the successful experience of Watchman Nee’s Local Churches. For example, the small-group model widely promoted by Charismatics is born out of the Local Churches ‘s “Gospel, family, group, district sunday worship” development model.

    In July 2009, the Chinese government website announced that there were 14 cults officially designated as cults, of which 7 were clearly identified by the General Office of the Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, and 7 were identified and clearly identified by the Ministry of Public Security. Among them, eight are native-born (although the Shouters sect were brought by Witness Lee from the United States, but Lee himself was sent to leave the mainland by Watchman Nee, the leader of the Local Churches ( the Little Flock 小群), on the eve of liberation, so they are native-born heresies) pretending to be Christian heresies, Six of them are directly and indirectly from the Shouters sect of the church, and the other two also have a constant relationship with the Shouters sect, and the main body of believers is still composed of the original Shouters sect .

    The Shouters sect (呼喊派)


    Mentuhui (Chinese: 門徒會)


    All Ranges Church (全範圍教會 ,生命之道教會) ,Born Again Movement (重生派)


    Zhushenjiao (主神教 Supreme Spirit, Lord God’s Teaching)


    The Anointed King / Beili Wang (被立王)


    Sanban puren pai (三班僕人派 Three Grades of Servant Church)


    Spirit Church (靈靈教 Linglingjiao)


    New Testament Church (Chinese: 新約教會)


    Not only that, there are several sects that are not included in the 14 cults, but are regarded as cults: Lord-Changshou sect, Administrative Deacon Station in Mainland China, South China Church (SCC) and Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, God of Reality, and Lord of Ability, all of them derivative from the Shouters sect. Since the root of the Shouters is Watchman Nee’s Local Churches ( Little Flock 小群 ), these heretical cults can all be regarded as Watchman Nee’s contribution to the church in China. Nee’s Fans argued, can the teacher be blamed for the students’ mistakes? In fact, whether these heresies are absurd theological theories or unique church organization models, they were all learned from Watchman Nee’s Local Churches, and they also came directly or indirectly from the Local Churches system of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. What kind of tree bears what kind of fruit, this is the principle God taught us, from these bad fruits we can be sure that Watchman Nee is a bad tree. It’s just that those Nee’s fans who worship evil spirits are pagans who have never repented, and they never intend to repent, so they will never smash their idol of God Nee.

    Don’t think that Watchman Nee’s mistakes will gradually lose their influence with his departure. With so many elites and sects working for Watchman Nee, it can be predicted that Watchman Nee’s fallacious theology will unite with the evil spirits of the Charismatic sect for a long time. It has become a nightmare for the Chinese church, and the Chinese are reluctant to smash the idol of God-Nee. This kind of disaster is always real and imminent, and cannot be escaped.

    [ Editor’s Note: This information was translated from Chinese using Google Translate. The accuracy of the words and grammar cannot be guaranteed. It is prepared for Christians with a non-Chinese background. The main point is to remind Christians to completely reject all the teachings of the Local Churches of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, completely resist the charismatic evil spirits that Watchman Nee and Witness Lee worship, spread, and promote, and refuse to participate in their Local Churches system. Christians who understand Chinese can view the original Chinese version: 《倪柝聲為中國教會貢獻了什麼》

    https://belovedservantmoses0.wordpress.com/2023/05/04/%e5%80%aa%e6%9f%9d%e8%81%b2%e7%82%ba%e4%b8%ad%e5%9c%8b%e6%95%99%e6%9c%83%e8%b2%a2%e7%8d%bb%e4%ba%86%e4%bb%80%e9%ba%bc/  ]
























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